your pet s mannerisms.

i'm just curious about your various pet's personality quirks. i'll start.

my girlfriend bought a guinea pig last week, we named her rabbit. before rabbit goes into her little hut she has to run a lap around the outside of it.

my cat (who ran away a few months ago) used to steal things. when he was at my mother's he stole all her make-up brushes. he stole a guitar pick right out of my mouth once. another time i was changing my bass strings and he ran off with one in his mouth. we never did find his hiding spot. but we'd see him running off with things.

my old cat, moses wouldn't eat unless someone watched him. and before he'd drink from his water bowl he'd rub his feet on the ground in front of it.

i had another cat named duff who didn't like it when i wore shorts. if he could see my bare legs he'd walk up behind me and bite them.

my brother's dog, cassius will groan when he's bored. and if he's laying next to you on the couch and wants more room he'll kick you. not shove, but literally kick.

i've talked enough about the animals in my life. let's hear about some of yours.
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your pet s mannerisms.

My gato climbs up onto the backs of chairs to lick your hair and comb it with his claws. He also likes to bite your fingers after you pet him for a bit. When he was a young'n he carried all his little toys (ripped up paper, a ball of yarn tied to a string, rubber ball) to his food dish and left them there. Sometimes he likes to put the tips of his front paws into the water in the dog's water dish while he drinks.

your pet s mannerisms.

One of my parents dogs has a habit of not wanting to eat in a room on her own, so she'll pick her bowl up in her mouth and walk into another room with it (still full). Half of the time we hear a loud rumble and turn around to find her food all over the floor.

My uncle had a big dog - "Dino" - who'd walk over to you with a stick in his mouth and literally headbutt you in the thigh until you threw it for him. This would go on repeatedly.

Pets are awesome.
- Andy

your pet s mannerisms.

One of my cats will get on a high surface - a speaker, the fridge, a table, etc, and meow aggressively at me until I come over and pet him. After I pet him a bit and then try to walk away he will yell, swat at me with his front paws, grab my hand or arm, yank my hand back to his head and force me to continue petting him.

Sometimes it makes me feel violated.
it's not the length, it's the gersch

your pet s mannerisms.

TheMilford wrote:My cat Albert bites because he want to play all of the time...

When he's tired he let's you pet him and snuggle and clip his nails... but when he's awake he always looks like "halloween cat" and attackes your bare legs.

I think he needs a friend.


your pet s mannerisms.

garble wrote: he carried all his little toys (ripped up paper, a ball of yarn tied to a string, rubber ball) to his food dish and left them there. .

my cat "blag" does the same thing only he's petrified of water, so they stay there untill i fish them out.
he also yells in my face at odd times, for no real reason.
and if he needs to throw up he finds my room.

hes cool.

my other cat "boy" will talk to you if you sneeze, every time.
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