David Lynch s Inland Empire

I finally got around to seeing Inland Empire last night at the Music Box - It was like participating in someone else's bad dream. That being said, I thought the quality of the DV footage added to it's "live" element, and it seemed at times like you were really watching people in a room as opposed to the glossy seperation that regular film provides.

I also thought it was cool how the focus played into the development of images in the darker scenes.

I went with my girlfriend, and when we got back from the movie I threw a piece of candy at her in our apartment when she wasn't looking - She screamed like I've never heard before.


David Lynch s Inland Empire

jordanosaur wrote:I finally got around to seeing Inland Empire last night at the Music Box

I finally got to see it there for the 4pm show yesterday. Those Music Box seats are murder for three hours. I should have brought a stadium cushion.

I liked IE a lot, but it was severely disorganized, which I'm sure is part of its charm. Agree on the look. All washed out and grainy suits that material. Dern was excellent, I just wish I wasn't constantly having to determine which of her four roles she was playing.

David Lynch s Inland Empire

I saw this at the music box (yes those seats distracted from the goings on, but the ambience payed off) at the 4pm show before Lynch's appearance.. let me say when I walked out into the bitter cold to the extensive line of people waiting to get in I was glad I flubbed on the tix for the next show.. not because I wouldn't have loved to have been a part of that q and a, but rather because it was soooo fucking cold..

that said.. I really liked this movie quite a lot. yes its fragmented, but he was still writing the "story" well into filming, afterall. the creepy role of the polish neighbor as played by grace zabriskie gave me night tremors. laura dern's performance was astounding and this film certainly showed her range. throughout, I felt like I was emerging from a russian doll whilst traversing a fun-house labyrinth.. so NOT CRAP!

**spoiler alert**
though I really did want to learn more about the polish gypsy curse that seemed to plague the film within the film.

I loved the scene where she walked into the theater, the music box was the perfect atmosphere for this, to say the least.. I was tempted to look around.

I found it hilarious when her "husband" had a full bottle of ketchup on his shirt and proceeded to ask where the paper towels were.. this induced a serious case of the giggles that probably ruined the next few scenes for people sitting next to my friend and I. (apologies to anyone at that show.)
Straight outta Compton

David Lynch s Inland Empire

just saw this today... on Valentine's Day... alone.

the movie was not crap, but what seemed odd to me was the gentleman seated at the end of my row looked exactly like Thax Douglas. I was under the impression that he's moved to New York so for the entire movie I was convinced that the alternate universe Thax was in the theatre also. Sort of like some real life Lynch shit going on during the movie!

David Lynch s Inland Empire

Arson Smith wrote:BAD ASS - I just discovered this will be shown several times down here (Webster Groves, MO) as part of the Webster University Film Series: http://www.webster.edu/filmseries/featured_film.htm

(I really didn't want to plan a whole road trip around going to see this film, but I was prepared to do just that in the worst case scenario)

We, in St Louis, still have to wait until March 2nd to see it! I'm growing very impatient. Thank God for the Webster Film Series, I've seen some great films there. There is a documentary about Sonny Rollins called Saxophone Colossus playing there on Mon. Feb 19th that looks like it could be interesting.

David Lynch s Inland Empire

Second time around, just as good as the first. Eraserhead really opened my mind to the extent of art in film at just the right time, so I'll be forever in love with this man and his work.

IE was intense, incredible, and semi-understandable. It seemed to come full circle but in the Lynchian bunch-of-wicked-creepy-wonderful-shit-before-you-realize-its-perfection. One of the best movies I've seen in ages. It surely stands out amongst his more recent work. And his tie-in to the Rabbits series (get a sub to davidlynch.com...it's awesome) was unexpected yet it worked quite well.

I was thoroughly pleased. The best three hours of film in years.

I'm trying to avoid spoilers, but I just wanted to say that as if Mulholland Drive wasn't a big enough "fuck you" to mainstream Hollywood, Inland Empire is like going to Hollywood's sister's house, kicking then fucking her dog, then shitting in her cereal. The darkness and the almost strangely self-critical voyeurist element of this film is great. You feel like you're witnessing a woman falling apart and it makes you mentally pause for a moment at certain points. This movie has no reprieves, no moments wasted. I left the theatre and just sat quietly for a bit in my car, thinking about it.

Highly recommended.

David Lynch s Inland Empire

nix wrote:i thought the DV looked great- i was actually completely floored by the visuals.

It was perhaps more effective for some scenes than film would've been, but it's DV. It's ugly.

nix wrote:and the first half of the movie has a lot of stuff that is kind of new ground for lynch.

For better and/or worse, I didn't feel that any new ground was broken in this movie.

The surrealism is the same kind of surrealism. The humor (and I like David Lynch's sense of humor) is the same kind of humor. The 'evil' is the same kind of 'evil.' The sexuality is the same kind of sexuality. The old songs on the soundtrack are the same kind of old songs. The creepy, prophetic old people characters are the same kind of creepy, prophetic old people characters. Justin Theroux is the same kind of ineffectual, schlubby male lead as Balthazar Getty in "Lost Highway."

Harry Dean Stanton gave a fine performance. He looks quite close to death, and probably is. Salut, Harry.

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