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Not Crap!
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He-Man Ally: Man-E-Faces

Man-E-Faces was a good guy but his multiple-personality "power" was used by Skeletor on occasion to turn him into an evil monster. There was a toy called "Point Dread" which also came with the "Talon Fighter." Included in the package was a 45 record that I listened to all the time when I was a wee lad.

Basically, Skeletor uses his evil magic to turn Man-E-Faces into an evil moster and he attacks Teela (it's sort of disturbing to listen to, it sounds like a date-rape scenario); He-Man has to fly the Talon Fighter (a two-man job) to Greyskull to save her and also go somewhere else to fight Skeletor.

This was also cool because there was no "Prince Adam" shit in there; the record was out before the cartoon and I think they gave him that alter-ego specifically for the cartoon.

I loved the Masters of the Universe. I heard John Woo was going to direct a new MOTU movie actually...I doubt it will ever happen though.

He-Man Ally: Man-E-Faces

Lazybones wrote:Funk that, my hero is Fearless Photog.

I entered that contest.
I wish I could remember what my design was, but it had to be better than a dude with a camera for a head. I remember thinking at the time 'what the fuck?' when a winning figure never appeared on store shelves.

I am being totally serious when I admit that to this day, once every so often this whole thing pops into my head, I always wondered what was up with that as it was exciting to me as a wee one and I honestly thought I was a lock to win it. I never even heard about a winner being chosen.
Now I see the little punk was from fucking Naperville, my arch nemesis of a city...let's just say it angers me up quite a bit.
He got 100 grand as well, and got to be president of Mattel for a day. I can only imagine the havoc I could reek as head of a multi million dollar company for a few minutes let alone an entire day.
I'm thinking my first order of business would be to sell the company to myself for one dollar and fire everyone around me.
Then maybe get into the arms business, I bet those machines could be fitted to make REAL guns in no time.

This man e faces or whatever, he looks like an updated version of cyclops who was plenty cool. One regular eye, one blue eye and one ANGRY RED EYE.

Oh yeah, Moss Man was the shit...he smelled like weed, that was his power

Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

He-Man Ally: Man-E-Faces

longdivi wrote:I loved the Masters of the Universe. I heard John Woo was going to direct a new MOTU movie actually...I doubt it will ever happen though.

How could they possibly surpass the epic Dolph Lundgren vehicle?



I tried to find an image that conveyed how hot i thought Teela was with her skintight blue leotard, but this one isn't really doing it justice:


Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

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