Which Band Is The Scariest?

Mick Shrimpton wrote:Is there a recording that sends chills up your spine? Plenty of albums are punishing or depressing, but a select few by Neurosis, Pig Destroyer and Skinny Puppy are so terrifying I can't handle the entire album in one sitting. Which albums do you find the scariest?

Damn those are three solid picks, esp Skinny Puppy. Throbbing Gristle, esp Hamburger Lady. And there's a sample from Tetsuo: the Iron Man on the first Praxis album that used to freak my GF out. The part where he's on the phone eith some girl and they're whispering hello back and forth in Japanese, all "mussh mussh, mushi mushi."

Which Band Is The Scariest?

Throbbing Gristle, Pig Destroyer and Neurosis are all good picks.

I would add Psychic TV (not extremely terrifying, but unnervingly awkward and eerie) and Current 93.

Vaya by Godspeed You Black Emperor (1st track off of Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada) sounds like DEATH. This is the music you would hear as the world is ending before your eyes and you realize that you will cease to exist in a matter of minutes...
(Winters In Osaka)

Which Band Is The Scariest?

In high school, being hipped up on some drug or robotripping or both in a parking lot, we were listening to some Agoraphobic Nosebleed album. Totally awful crap, but towards the end it got freaky as fuck. We were paging through the booklet as well, I don't really remember what happened but something played out of the speakers that sent all of us running out of the car and screaming across the parking lot in different directions.
"That man is a head taller than me.

...That may change."


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