favorite drum sounds

anything recorded by lee perry. reggae in general. but lee perry did something special, not sure just how he pulled it off. "hold of death" has the coolest drum recordings ive ever heard, and when he sends them thru the delays they have such a punchy timbre that they double over each other so well. when he sends them thru the reverbs its a "BOOM" like no other.

gotta love in utero.

and i always liked the distant miking matt cameron did on those later soundgarden recordings.

bonham obviously.

and most sepultura recordings.
http://www.soundclick.com/hanabimusic (band)
http://www.myspace.com/iambls (i make beats for that dude)

favorite drum sounds

ihateemo wrote:Beachbuggy - Unsafe At Any Speed!

Incidentally, Beachbuggy recorded two records with SA at Electrical after Unsafe...!

Beachbuggy recorded "Sport Fury" & "killer B" at Electrical.

Unsafe was recorded entirely on Jack's Fostex 280.


I shit ye not!

The drums on Chris T-T's "London is Sinking" are fantastic both in terms of playing and engineering.
Last edited by stuffy_Archive on Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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