
Total votes: 27 (23%)
not crap
Total votes: 90 (77%)
Total votes: 117

band: Deerhoof

I've had 'Friend Opportunity' for a few days now and I think it's just great. Not that I expected anything less from Deerhoof. They are the most consistently superb band currently touring. Every time you think you have a fix on them, they go off in another direction suddenly.

Check out the new album if you get a chance.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

band: Deerhoof

Deerhoof is "so hot" right now. Is it really worth checking out? I've seen them play twice live...I dunno...I failed to see the greatness, particularly the second time. But the first time, Wilco had them open, and they were still pretty good I was a few years ago now and I didn't take the little midget lady bashing plushy fruit shaped stuffed animal things against her head as seriously as I might.

But a lot of people in bands I like love this new Deerhoof stuff. I'm suspicious. We'll see eventually (I guess).
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

band: Deerhoof

If by "so hot right now" you mean they are finally getting some acknowledgement after releasing one of the best albums of the year, every year for the last five then I'll agree with you. This is their Tenth album and each one has something new to offer. That's a good deal more impressive than say, Wilco, who have been mining the same Big Star seam since 1995.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

band: Deerhoof

I saw this band last night in Nashville, without ever having heard note one from them before, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. The drummer is an absolute monster, and I've gotta get me one of those spinning windmill lights. I don't really see myself wanting to listen to their records, but they were very good live.

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