honeyisfunny wrote:There's one guy from a large label beginning with P and ending with arlaphone that emails everyone for CDs and gigging updates. His approach is to spread the net as wide as he can to see what bites. It's fine if you understand that, but like someone else said, don't let yourself get flattered too easily.
Falling for one of these is like thinking the "really attractive looking fake girl" on Myspace who sent you a message actually WANTS to hang out with you. You look at 'her' profile and there are tell tale signs that this is not a "real" person. If you give this internet entity any contact information, "she" will probably use it to send you lots of spam.
I've recieved e-mails from various sources about releasing my music or doing something to aid it. One telling me how Casio Jet could appear on Warped Tour, which got me to thinking... "They saw our myspace, but I'm sure they didn't listen to any of our music." Even an independent label asked me if I'd like to appear on a compilation. I thought, "Why not?". I sent them an email and got a reply asking for a few hundred dollars in order for my song to appear on their compilation. I was not offered any copies of said compilation. I was not offered anything. I was only offered to pay this label in order to appear on their record. I smelled bullshit, and I didnt bite.
Individuals like these will shower you with compliments. They hope that it boosts your ego enough for you to be willing to get fucked over, lose money, and maybe even lose the rights to your music. I plan on staying far away from the majors for now.