Awesome Shit Later Re-Evaluated to be Retarded Shit

Oh, I guess I don't feel that the tritone is retarded per se, but I used to have an overwhelming tritone fetish. I used be consumed with the devil's interval, trying to forcefully incorporate it into everything that I did.

I couldn't see a world beyond the tritone, and made all other pitch relationships subservient to it.

I suppose I should have stated: "obsession with tritones" rather than simply "tritones."

Oh, and dominant 7 chords suck. Unless you're Credence.
Last edited by blue_Archive on Mon Oct 11, 2004 10:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Awesome Shit Later Re-Evaluated to be Retarded Shit

trying to like 89.3 the current.

not flirting much with girls 'cause i already have a girl friend.

that Souljazz Acid compilation.

seeing Peter Kubelka give a speech.

devising a gibberish language to express affection for my significant other. (only to spend months and months after the relationship uncontrollably repeating all these nonsensical sayings under my breath, especially while waiting for the city bus.)

shooting a film during mid autumn instead of late summer.

relying on out-of-town talent.

getting dress shoes a half-size too big.

doing pro-bono journalism.

calling in sick when i was really just depressed.

hypercolor t-shirts.


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