honeyisfunny wrote:Nope, I killed it. Steve is going to fix it. Smoke pissed out of the inputs and all the points on the back of it. It stank. We got it into the corridor before the sprinklers went off and wrecked everything and opened it up and one of the valve bases is fried and there's black soot and tar all over the inside of it.
I don't know how I did it though. That amp survived 6 years of being tested very heavily and this hardly compares.
something sounds very wrong here... did you have a fuse in there that was rated higher than it was supposed to be? also, out of curiosity, what brand, model (i assume 6L6GC) and era tube was the one that died?
I had some fun amp stuff happen recently while working on a YBA-3... blew up my first capacitor (the smoke smelled very yummy and very much like bacon, and the oil that poured out was a bitch to clean up), and at one point I had enough electricity arc into my finger that it caused me to make a sound like an injured little girl, and it left a white spot on my fingertip where it zapped me. and that was from less than 300 volts!
I killed two fuses, too. but it was all well worth it... individual bias pots for all four tubes... I put in an unmatched quad of EL34's, and I have it idling with all four tubes drawing between 30.2 and 30.6 ma of cathode current. within a half of a milliamp!!
BTW, take a look at your tube *socket* for signs of arcing... probably gonna hafta replace the socket, and hopefully not too much more.
good luck!
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