4 Microphone Drum setup.

Hey, I have about £500 - 600 pounds to spend on 4 microphones for recording drums. I want to get interesting mic's more then anything i guess, no sm57's and the like.

Any suggestions on a pair of overheads, snare and kick for that price?

Or different setup suggestions would be cool.

would be much appreciated as I'm sure a lot of you know more about it then me through practical experience.

4 Microphone Drum setup.

z00york wrote: I want to get interesting mic's more then anything i guess, no sm57's and the like.

in my opinion the sm57 is still one interessting mic in accordance to snare recordings. it is the only mic that stands an extreme high SPL level...i think (not absolute sure) around 147dBspl.
and your snare is the loudest instrument on takes...mics that do not stand such a high spl level distract the sound of them snares, because they distort easier.

just to defend the sm57!!! :wink:

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