being a pot head

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being a pot head

Never got into pot. I don't like feeling slow, stupid, and hungry (*coughMDC*cough). Shit's fucking stupid. I guess if I wanted to watch TV and sit all fucking day I'd dig it, but for myself I find it fucking retarded.

I do like cocaine and booze. A lot unfortunately, but I keep it to bi-monthly binging. Okay monthly. Bi-weekly. Tuesdays. Fuck.

being a pot head

Steve V. wrote:Never got into pot. I don't like feeling slow, stupid, and hungry (*coughMDC*cough). Shit's fucking stupid. I guess if I wanted to watch TV and sit all fucking day I'd dig it, but for myself I find it fucking retarded.

I do like cocaine and booze. A lot unfortunately, but I keep it to bi-monthly binging. Okay monthly. Bi-weekly. Tuesdays. Fuck.

Dude, I just knew in my bones you were gonna turn out to be into coke. STOP! That shit is just rampant in ATL and its suburbs. I have a cousin who is proud of being into pot, simply because he didn't become the cokehead that a great deal of his classmates were.

In the '90s, acid was huge in the high schools, too.

I have another cousin in that area that was nearly killed in a drug related shooting. They were going to score some coke (or something) in a bad Atlanta neighborhood. The guy sitting next to my cousin was shot in the head and died instantly.

My cousin ended up ratting on another coke "buddy" of his so in order to avoid jail (immunity). He's lucky to be alive...he's lucky to have a job and family of his own.

They don't fucking fuck around in Georgia.

And, sorry, but I've never met anybody into cocaine that was even remotely trustworthy...I'm sure they're out there though...
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

being a pot head

Minotaur029 wrote:
Steve V. wrote:Never got into pot. I don't like feeling slow, stupid, and hungry (*coughMDC*cough). Shit's fucking stupid. I guess if I wanted to watch TV and sit all fucking day I'd dig it, but for myself I find it fucking retarded.

I do like cocaine and booze. A lot unfortunately, but I keep it to bi-monthly binging. Okay monthly. Bi-weekly. Tuesdays. Fuck.

Dude, I just knew in my bones you were gonna turn out to be into coke. STOP! That shit is just rampant in ATL and its suburbs. I have a cousin who is proud of being into pot, simply because he didn't become the cokehead that a great deal of his classmates were.

In the '90s, acid was huge in the high schools, too.

I have another cousin in that area that was nearly killed in a drug related shooting. They were going to score some coke (or something) in a bad Atlanta neighborhood. The guy sitting next to my cousin was shot in the head and died instantly.

My cousin ended up ratting on another coke "buddy" of his so in order to avoid jail (immunity). He's lucky to be alive...he's lucky to have a job and family of his own.

They don't fucking fuck around in Georgia.

And, sorry, but I've never met anybody into cocaine that was even remotely trustworthy...I'm sure they're out there though...

I was attempting humor with my comment I do it every Tuesday. I keep it to a binge social blowout (literally) very very occasionally. Thanks for your concern.

Lost two friends to this and one to heroin, and I have a buddy in jail for 10-12 for drug-related shit. They don't fuck around in this city at all. Shit scared the hell out of me when I first moved here. I was lucky enough to get a ton of the shit in Buckhead, which is the "rich" area of Atlanta, instead of going down to College Park (where Yung Joc's crew slings the shit) or anywhere near Boulevard. Motherfuckers will KILL other motherfuckers over fucking anything.

I try to be trustworthy, but when I had a real problem with the shit I was fucking over myself and everybody else for more drugs. It taught me a lot of lessons and gave me a lot of inspiration in a very fucked up way. Never letting it happen again.

About your cousin, it reminded me of how everyone I went to high school with in North Carolina is now on heroin and no one smokes pot, and how everyone here is into weed like a fucking fiend but does coke a lot as well.

Shit's all over. I can tell you that scoring a TEAC A3300SR and a Roland TR-606 in the same day with money I was going to blow on blow was a lot cooler than scoring an ounce of coke. Spent less on the equipment than I would have on the coke, which is one of those realities that makes you go...wait a minute. Cocaine is fucking retarded! Wow...I'm SO SKINNY!

being a pot head

Coke is really fucking lame. Its killed some of my family members, so I stay away from it.

However, I think there is a difference between being someone who enjoys smoking weed and being a POTHEAD. Being a pothead isnt anything admirable. To me, the pothead is just really disoriented all the time and forgets things easily, so you feel like he/shes never really "all there". Doing too much of any kind of drug can do this to you. Hanging out with someone like this isn't really all that fun.
(Winters In Osaka)

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