Wolf Eyes

Total votes: 22 (61%)
Total votes: 14 (39%)
Total votes: 36

Band: Wolf Eyes

From Nate Young:
Hey everyone,

On the morning of Feb 24th my brother Peter Young was in a fire. He
was injured with 2nd and 3rd degree burns on 30-44% of his body.
Neighbors reported seeing him coming out of his apartment unharmed
only to see him run back in to save his dog Little John. The smoke and
heat over took Pete as soon as he reentered the apartment. Pete was
found unconscious and burning by Brighton Police and Fire Department
who rushed him over to the U of M hospital. His apartment was
completely destroyed and Little John did not make it. Pete has no
medical insurance or insurance on his apartment which he owns. He is
undergoing surgery for skin grafts and has not been conscious yet. He
will be in the hospital for at least 2-3 months.

I am asking for donations to help my family with some of the medical
bills and the rebuilding of his apartment. I have set up a paypal
account in Pete's name.
There are over 1000 members on this board, if everyone donates at
least $1 that will be a big help.

Please paypal donations to Peter.B.Young (at) gmail (dot) com
Please try to pay the paypal fee if paying from a credit or debit card.

Pete first introduced me to punk, psychedelic rock and noise - the
music that inspired me the most as a kid. He also painted the cover
for the first Wolf Eyes album released on Bulb. Without him Wolf Eyes
may not have ever existed. I hope you'll help me give him something

With much thanks,
Nate Young

Band: Wolf Eyes

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:They have legitimately frightened me before. I think that they are great.


Agreed. When they opened for Sonic Youth one time, I was pretty scared. It just seemed insane that anybody would be doing what they were doing. I was terrified, but I knew they couldn't hurt me. The music was somehow soothing and hypnotic.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

Band: Wolf Eyes

Angus Jung wrote:From Nate Young:
Hey everyone,

On the morning of Feb 24th my brother Peter Young was in a fire. He
was injured with 2nd and 3rd degree burns on 30-44% of his body.
Neighbors reported seeing him coming out of his apartment unharmed
only to see him run back in to save his dog Little John. The smoke and
heat over took Pete as soon as he reentered the apartment. Pete was
found unconscious and burning by Brighton Police and Fire Department
who rushed him over to the U of M hospital. His apartment was
completely destroyed and Little John did not make it. Pete has no
medical insurance or insurance on his apartment which he owns. He is
undergoing surgery for skin grafts and has not been conscious yet. He
will be in the hospital for at least 2-3 months.

I am asking for donations to help my family with some of the medical
bills and the rebuilding of his apartment. I have set up a paypal
account in Pete's name.
There are over 1000 members on this board, if everyone donates at
least $1 that will be a big help.

Please paypal donations to Peter.B.Young (at) gmail (dot) com
Please try to pay the paypal fee if paying from a credit or debit card.

Pete first introduced me to punk, psychedelic rock and noise - the
music that inspired me the most as a kid. He also painted the cover
for the first Wolf Eyes album released on Bulb. Without him Wolf Eyes
may not have ever existed. I hope you'll help me give him something

With much thanks,
Nate Young

I managed to miss this. This is horrible.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

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