The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Earwicker wrote:I've heard a lot of debunking of a lot of the theories (some I buy others can stay on the shelf for me) but I've never heard an explanation for what the recorded explosions immediately prior to the towers coming down were.

Do any of the sceptics have an explanation for this or maybe Bob has heard a debunking theory elsewhere?


parts 11 12 and 13 also deal with this subject. recording of a phone call from the towers cut by the collapse starts at the end of part 12 and continues in part 13.

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Earwicker wrote:I've heard a lot of debunking of a lot of the theories (some I buy others can stay on the shelf for me) but I've never heard an explanation for what the recorded explosions immediately prior to the towers coming down were.

Do any of the sceptics have an explanation for this or maybe Bob has heard a debunking theory elsewhere?

They don't debunk them. They refuse to admit they happened. According to the official myth, nothing unusual happened in either tower prior to the planes' impacts. ( Earwicker, watch the Cruz interview I linked- she is referring to explosions not just before the collapse, but before the planes, same as Willie Rodriguez.) Any testimony about explosions to the 9/11 commission that contradicted this was never used. All the survivors who reported blasts in the basements or on lower floors were either imagining them or lying. The media reports of truck bombs that day ( at least six ) were all in error. That's their story, and they're sticking to it.

Are there pics of the building immediately post collapse? Are there large sections of one side still jutting out of the ground and I've just missed them?



Killtown has a wealth of information on every 9/11 topic, and the page layouts are beautiful. Check here for all your pics: pre-collapse, from above, during the demolition.

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Hah! Richard Porter of the BBC has responded again to the WTC7 video controversy. This time it sounds like he's sweating a little. You don't have read the whole thing if you don't want- the only really new thing he writes is that 'somebody told us the building had collapsed'. And once again, the brave and smart Brits are pounding him in the comments.
richard porter responds again to the video slip-up- 3/2/07 wrote:So how did the BBC report that Building 7 at the World Trade Centre had collapsed around half an hour before it did so? My earlier posting on the subject has attracted a lot of interest so we've been doing more investigating within the BBC to put together the sequence of events.

Five and a half years have passed so it's quite difficult to answer every outstanding question. But we do know quite a bit more than we did on Tuesday, as a result of checking the BBC archives and what other media were doing at the time. I've also read through some of the reports published after 9/11 to help put together the sequence of events.

Back to 11 September itself. The Twin Towers had collapsed. Other buildings were known to be damaged. Building 7 was on fire. But this was also a very confusing picture - remember we had started the day with reports that a light aircraft had struck the first tower, and at one stage there was talk of ten hijacked jets in the air. It's in the nature of rolling news that events unfold in front of you and confusion turns to clarity. It's important to remember that context when looking more closely at what happened between about 4.10pm (EDT) and 5.20pm when Building 7 finally collapsed.

CNN's chronology of events published at the time confirms they reported the building on fire and a clip from a CNN bulletin, widely available on the web, hears from a reporter at about 4.15pm EDT, 9.15pm in the UK, who says: "We're getting information that one of the other buildings... Building 7... is on fire and has either collapsed or is collapsing... now we're told there is a fire there and that the building may collapse as well."

Other American networks were broadcasting similar reports at this time and the reports from FEMA and NIST both make it clear the building was on fire during the course of the day.

One senior fire officer was quoted in a subsequent interview as saying there was a "bulge" in the building and he was "pretty sure it was going to collapse". During this time, our staff were talking directly to the emergency services and monitoring local and national media… and there was a fairly consistent picture being painted of Building 7 in danger of collapse. Producers in London would have been monitoring the news agency wires - the Associated Press, Reuters, etc - and although we don't routinely keep an archive of agency reports, we're sure they would have been reporting the same as the local media.

At 4.27pm, a BBC reporter, Greg Barrow, who is in New York, appears on our radio news channel, BBC Radio Five Live, and says: "We are hearing reports from local media that another building may have caught light and is in danger of collapse." He then responds to a follow-up question by saying "I'm not sure if it has yet collapsed but the report we have is talking about Building 7."

At 4.53pm, on the same radio station, the programme's presenter, Fi Glover says "25 minutes ago we had reports from Greg Barrow that another large building has collapsed just over an hour ago."

At 4.54pm, the BBC's domestic television news channel, BBC News 24, reports the same thing. Presenter Gavin Esler says: "We're now being told that yet another enormous building has collapsed... it is the 47-storey Salomon Brothers building."

And then at 4.57pm on BBC World (according to the clips available on the web) presenter Phil Hayton says: "We've got some news just coming in actually that the Salomon brothers building in NY right in the heart of Manhattan has also collapsed."

Because three BBC channels were saying this in quick succession, I am inclined to believe that one or more of the news agencies was reporting this, or at least reporting someone saying this.

At 5pm, News 24 repeated the news in its top-of-the-hour headlines sequence and then at about 5.10pm (again according to the clips on the web), Phil Hayton on BBC World says "More on the latest building collapse in NY - you might have heard I was talking a few moments ago about the Salomon building collapsing and indeed it has... it seems this wasn't the result of a new attack but because the building had been weakened during this morning's attack."

Some of the respondents to my earlier blog have suggested this must mean he had inside knowledge - that not only did he know the building had collapsed, he knew why.

Well in one sense that's true - for about an hour, it had been reported that the building was on fire and in danger of collapse. But he did qualify it by saying "it seems" and once again I think there's a danger of reading too much into what I believe was a presenter merely summarising what everyone had been saying during the previous hour.

Of course, with hindsight we now know that our live shot showed the building still standing in the background. But again I point to that confusing and chaotic situation on the ground - the CNN reporter who had talked about the building "either collapsed or is collapsing" also had it clearly in shot behind him, but he acknowledged he couldn't see very clearly from where he was standing. As we know, the building did collapse at 5.20pm, with the first pictures of that being broadcast on News 24 at about 5.35pm.

So that's what we know we reported. To me it paints a consistent (and reasonably conclusive) picture.

I should also mention the missing tapes. As you'll see from the details above, the absence of the BBC World tapes hasn't made much difference to our ability to look back at what happened. We have all the tapes of other BBC channels (and I now know that quite a few of you have your own copies of BBC World, which is an interesting discovery... ).

Some of you find it hard to believe we didn't keep the BBC World tapes... but we had several streams of news output running simultaneously on the day, both on radio and television as well as online and we have kept all the tapes from BBC News 24 and Radio Five Live, as well as all the BBC One bulletins. Obviously I wish we'd kept hold of the World tapes alongside all the others, but we didn't... and I don't know whether they were destroyed or mislaid. But as a result of this week's events, I have asked our archivists to get hold of copies of our original material from the organisations which do have them.

And just to be clear, the BBC policy is to keep every minute of news channel output for 90 days (in line with the Broadcasting Act in the UK). After that we are obliged to keep a representative sample - and we interpret that to mean roughly one third of all our output. We also keep a large amount of individual items (such as packaged reports or "rushes" - ie original unedited material), which we use for operational reasons - such as when we come to broadcast fresh stories on the subject. We do not lack a historical record of the event.

I've spent most of the week investigating this issue, but this is where we have to end the story. I know there are many out there who won't believe our version of events, or will raise further questions. But there was no conspiracy in the BBC's reporting of the events. Nobody told us what to say. There's no conspiracy involving missing tapes. There's no story here.

Wipe the sweat off, dude.

Richard Porter is head of news, BBC World

And there still is a story here, and the story is this: unless the 'collapses' of two other steel skyscrapers from fire for the first and second times in history that morning made it incredibly easy for firemen to predict the 'collapse' of a third steel skyscraper within an hour of it actually happening, and they were so confident they would be right that they told their press contacts to start putting out the news that it had collapsed, we still have to answer: why was this 'news' released before it was made? Because they knew they were pulling it at 5:20pm?

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

The BBC story has brought a lot of the shills to the forums where you can find 9/11 talk. One of them read from his shill flash card set to blame the the ineffectual air defense on the transponders being turned off in the hijacked planes ( actually, only three of the four transponders were turned off, if you can believe the government on this ):
The airliners had turned OFF their transponders there were lots of other flights to search through, the airliners were flying at speed, no matter how many fighters had been scrambled they didn't know where the hijacked planes were.

And someone replied with the question: how did maps showing detailed flight paths of the planes begin appearing on media web sites as early as late evening of 9/11? Good question, I thought. What changed between the time of the flights and later that night? Supposedly, they didn't even recover two of the flight data recorders ( a lie, but that's what they said )- how could they release those maps? Why did they have information about where the planes were that evening if they hadn't tracked them?

The answer is that 'turning off the transponder' is a red herring. That only stopped regular air traffic control from tracking altitude, not location, and turning off the transponders would have allowed AWACS to spot the four planes more quickly, because it is set up to spot non-transpondered aircraft, like drug smugglers.

Another lie told in service to a myth.

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Now, if I choose to believe that it was a setup, bob, then what exactly did they achieve with that? It looks like Afghanistan is going back to where it was before(if not worse) and surely the war on Iraq could have been much more successful with the kind of long-term planning the shadow government could have done if 9-11 was a setup. The big picture is what really interests me here.

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

MRoyce wrote:Now, if I choose to believe that it was a setup, bob, then what exactly did they achieve with that? It looks like Afghanistan is going back to where it was before(if not worse) and surely the war on Iraq could have been much more successful with the kind of long-term planning the shadow government could have done if 9-11 was a setup. The big picture is what really interests me here.

Don't take this to be at all patronizing, because I'm not trying to be, but here is the A Number One correction you must make in your thinking process if you want to think like a conspiracy theorist, even for a weekend:

The primary organizing principle of any society is war, and therefore, the objective of the Shadow Government is to create conditions that result in perpetual wars; not wars that we set out to 'win', because to win is to bring peace, which is anti-war. Treat 1984 as your bible on this subject. Every open-ended war is a successful war. Every war made more lengthy and more expensive by poor strategy is a successful war. Every enemy ( like 'terrorism' ) that lives inside the human mind
( and can therefore jump from mind to mind like a virus ) is an ideal enemy.

Put this prescription on, and you will see why Afghanistan, Iraq, and the general War on Terror all fit the bill for the designers of perpetual war. 9/11 was designed to unleash the Clash of Civilizations, the 1000 year war between the Judeo-Christians and the Mohammedans.

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Earwicker wrote:
MRoyce wrote:surely the war on Iraq could have been much more successful

The chaos caused by the Iraq war has been remarkably profitable (i.e successful) for some people, especially Oil people.

Ahh, yes. The extortionists are holding a very strong hand.
observer UK wrote: Heather Stewart, economics correspondent
Sunday February 25, 2007

Baghdad is under pressure from Britain and the US to pass an oil law which would hand long-term control of Iraq's energy assets to foreign multinationals, according to campaigners.

Iraqi trades unions have called for the country's oil reserves - the second-largest in the world - to be kept in public hands. But a leaked draft of the oil law, seen by The Observer, would see the government sign away the right to exploit its untapped fields in so-called exploration contracts, which could then be extended for more than 30 years.

Don't tell Smedley Butler about this.

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

observer UK wrote: Heather Stewart, economics correspondent
Sunday February 25, 2007

Baghdad is under pressure from Britain and the US to pass an oil law which would hand long-term control of Iraq's energy assets to foreign multinationals, according to campaigners.

Iraqi trades unions have called for the country's oil reserves - the second-largest in the world - to be kept in public hands. But a leaked draft of the oil law, seen by The Observer, would see the government sign away the right to exploit its untapped fields in so-called exploration contracts, which could then be extended for more than 30 years.

aha! and was anyone still in doubt of the real reason for this war? BUELLER?

thanks for yr meticulous & watchful eye for the cracks in our latest Pearl Harbour debacle, clocker bob. don't know if yr coming to the SKWM show tonight, but if not for some God forsaken reason, feel free to come hear me play @ Permanent Records this afternoon.


The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

larsro wrote:thanks for yr meticulous & watchful eye for the cracks in our latest Pearl Harbour debacle, clocker bob. don't know if yr coming to the SKWM show tonight, but if not for some God forsaken reason, feel free to come hear me play @ Permanent Records this afternoon.


Thanks for your kind words. I'm working 3-11 today, so I'm not going to any shows, so good luck, whoever your band is. I don't like loud noises, tobacco smoke, alcohol or ( crowds of ) people, so I rarely go to any shows period :) ...

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