matthew wrote:I think some of you folks are missing the point here. I am certainly not saying that employers ought not to compensate people for work in some instances what with setting the minimum wage at $0.00. After all, no one in their right mind would take a job which offered a wage or salary of nil. I'm merely saying that the market ought to decide how much or how little labor costs, because that is...once again...simply how the world works. The price of anything is ultimately determined by supply and demand (or at least the perception thereof), and labor is no exception. Ask anyone who owns a business.
No one in his right mind would CHOOSE TO take a job that pays 6 bucks an hour, given a free choice. The problem is that I might have no choice. Maybe I dropped out of high school, say.
Now you want to come along and take away the minimum wage altogether. It's already too low for a working family to survive on. You want to be able to pay employees 3 bucks an hour instead of 6.
Your reasoning: "Hey, I'm not forcing them to take the job! And what business is it of mine if my employees can't feed their families? The only thing I need to be concerned about is the bottom line--one word: PROFITS."
And you call yourself a Christian? Aren't you supposed to care about the poor?