Stupid joke bands of your creation...

Just fucking with you Sir Matthew. Chill out "bro."

I had a joke thrash band for about two weeks once. Fast thrashy noise for no reason. Just me on distorted bass and a drummer. I think we ran through each of our ten songs once the entire time we were together and called it "practice."

We played with He Is Legend back when they were called No One Wins. Those guys are fucking dicks. If they come to your town, find their mouths and shit in them.

Stupid joke bands of your creation...

Haha. I know. People can't tell if I'm joking in non-forum life too.

I took the chill pill "yo."

I also had a joke Grindcore band called Cannibalistic Suicide once and we played songs like "I Sodomized Your Grandmother with a Chainsaw Because a Rocket Launcher Was Too Quick," "Sodomy is Birth Control," and "Into the Graveyard with a Shovel and a Box of Condoms." We had an accordian player (aka the Grindcordian/Agoredian) and a violion player (the grindolin/violence). It was all complete improv noisecore garbage but extremely fun to play in front of people for the mere fact that they were extremely confused and in many instances offended.

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