MANCHILD 3 by Brian Walsby

Hi there.
This is going to be annoying to most message board types but I hope you can forgive me.

My name is Brian Walsby, and I both an artist/cartoonist as well as a drummer. I have been fortunate enough to have been able to release two books of my artwork and comic stories in two volumes over the last couple of years, the first being MANCHILD: A CELEBRATION OF TWENTY YEARS OF DOODLES put out by Volume One Productions out of New York, and last years MANCHILD 2: THE SECOND COMING put out by Charles Cardello’s Bifocal Media/Bifocal Pictures. Charles and myself have just now begun to assemble production for the third installment, cleverly titled MANCHILD 3.

We are looking for anyone who might be interested in placing an ad in the next book. We are planning to run 2000 issues and have distribution set up already for this project. The time frame for everything will start next month as far as getting ads ready for production. The release date will be sometime in August. As far as the cost of the ads, they are cheap.

I suppose I should explain who I am and why you should want to be a part of this. Over the last twenty years I have been drawing and drumming. I came of age in the early to mid eighties hardcore punk rock scene that swept across America, drawing lots of well meaning cartoons for people involved in that world. I have done album covers for various bands ranging from the Melvins to Seven Seconds. I have had my artwork in various magazines and fanzines over the years, from THE HIT LIST, CHUNKLET, LEFT OF THE DIAL, RAZORCAKE, THE RALEIGH HATCHET as well as the likes of older important magazines like FLIPSIDE, YOUR FLESH and MAXIMUM ROCK AND ROLL. Musically, I have played with folks as varied as SCARED STRAIGHT, RYAN ADAMS, POLVO, SHINY BEAST, WWAX (with Merge Records head honcho/SUPERCHUNK member Mac), SNAKE NATION (WITH CORROSION OF CONFORMITY’S Mike Dean and Woody Weatherman) and many more that I can’t remember right now. A lot of my stuff is sort of this combination of Harvey Pekar type slice of life stuff mixed with MAD MAGAZINE type of satire and skewering. Some people (not many, mind you) have gotten offended by some of this stuff but I assure you its all in good fun. Plus hopefully, I will be perceived as being funny as well. Me and Charles also spent four months of our time last year working on a video for the rock band VALIENT THORR which is currently all over the internet and has spawned a bit of controversy with its politically charged content. My work is in the video in animated form.

For a look at my work, I have a website you can check out:

And if you are a MySpace type of person, go here:

All information about ad sizes, cheap prices, the press run and distribution will be answered. So anyways, if this is the type of thing that you think you might be interested in, please drop me a line at:

Thanks very much for your time. Please don’t kill me for such overtly soliciting behavior.

Brian Walsby

MANCHILD 3 by Brian Walsby

Walsby, I love your work. Big, big fan here.
However, could you participate in the board? You're a clever guy who could add a lot, but you just show up and spam us when your new books come out.

I, for one, will be buying that book, but I think the sales pitches are usually best left to the people who are active members here.

And I want you to be an active member.

So come on.

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

MANCHILD 3 by Brian Walsby

reluctantking wrote:actually, I use the keyboard like all other mere mortals.

And I am sorry, but I have grown quite fond of the new Stooges record.

You should ask Iggy to take out an ad. You should jack up the price. Your ad space rates are very reasonable! I will encourage all humans to buy ad space as your books rule. Could one purchase a full-page ad of their weenis?

MANCHILD 3 by Brian Walsby

Maybe Iggy would take out an ad. What an honor!

Allow me to geek out for a second. After thinking about it for a millisecond, I think that Ron Asheton should have a book out. Not so much his life story, but just chapters upon chapters of him just telling stories. Everything that I have read that he talks about always ends up being side splittingly hilarious to me. In the Please Kill Me book, the highlights of that book pretty much revolve around everything he has to say. He is really funny, and seems like a totally cool guy.

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