punk wrote:I think the word cunt is great and should be used all the time.
Why do Americans have such issues with name calling and nasty words?
Most other countries I've experienced are pretty at ease about words when used in any context and can wipe away hurt feelings and shit with a quick "fuck off" .
In my opinion the U.S. as a whole seems to be stuck in this "words are more powerful than you realize" bullshit and i think most of you are kinda just raised with that line of thinking and just take it on without stepping back and saying to yourself am i really offended? or am i acting offended as thats what I'm supposed to act.
Americans love morality.
especially when they feel they have it over another.
Words are not as powerful as you think, its dumb ass lazy thinkin' to believe that.
By the way I'm not intentionally bashing America, I love the place and this is my only real gripe.
I hate London but that because of the weather and overall greyness.
in conclusion... cunt.
I agree
I guess that issie,and countless other moronic idiots like him are responsible for It.
Not all americans(usa) are stupid,though.