gio wrote:ok, fucker: maybe I wouldn't be blown the fuck away if they found evidence of controlled demolotion (no pun intended). No evidence of the sort has been reported
Yes, that's correct- other than all the videos and audio tapes and witnesses, no evidence of the sort has been reported.

gio wrote:i got a conspiracy theory for ya: dylan avery and co are conspiring to dupe millions of internet surfers and maybe even some people higher up to believe their story, so they gain notoriety and fame. Wait, look, they've suceeded: they are notorious and famous. They have the limelight for an audience of millions. Ride it out now, boys. Smile and enjoy it. I'll be interested to see what y'all are up to ten years from now.
God, you're goofy. You still have not got your head around the fact that 9/11 truth began on 9/12/01. It existed years before Loose Change, and it will exist years after Loose Change. Loose change could evaporate tomorrow and nothing would change. Gio, since you're afraid to watch LC, this may not make sense to you, but Avery and Bermas took everything they used off the internet. It was all there first. They didn't write the 9/11 conspiracy theories. They're compilers. So the LC guys can be the most craven opportunists we've ever met, and it would not matter a whit to the credibility of the theories themselves. Your incessant attacks on the LC guys' personalities or motives are a sideshow. They do not mean a flea on the ass of 9/11 truth. What they are is proof that you are a brainwashed foot soldier in the disinformation campain against 9/11 truth- you're so fouled up in your logic that the LC guys have got you inventing conspiracy theories to explain them! Hah, ha... man, you are so twisted.
popular mechanic's 9-11 debunking site wrote:Flight 77 Debris
CLAIM: Conspiracy theorists insist there was no plane wreckage at the Pentagon.
There is no unity position by conspiracy theorists on the pentagon, first of all. The fact that you think that there is just proves even more what a biased douche you are. There is also not a video showing the plane approaching the pentagon, not after five years. That's why I personally feel very comfortable withholding judgement until I see one. Thought you were a big fan of skepticism, gio? Are you skeptical about the unavailability of pentagon video thus far?