Feeding a cat

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Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat

DrAwkward wrote:
MrFood wrote: I mean, just being able to open a door or turn a light on would be nice for them I guess.

My ex-gf's cat, who is part Maine Coon, knows how to open doors. When she was living in an apartment that had smallish, oval-shaped doorknobs, i saw her cat use his paws to turn the doorknob and get into a closet once.

Feeding my cats brings me nothing but joy...and relief from their goddamn whining.

Bethy (my girlfreind) Cat can open doors also, and loves to come in the bathroom while your laying a brown, its really strange...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat

yaledelay wrote:Bethy (my girlfreind) Cat can open doors also, and loves to come in the bathroom while your laying a brown, its really strange...

I'm confused...is your gurlfriend a cat? Remember, don't post anything that you wouldn't want to be read back to you by a prosecutor in court. I'll assume that Bethy is a cat.

When I'm in the bathroom, all the pets come in and start fighting amongst themselves and jumping into my underpants, so I know where you're coming from, there. I never have gotten so much personalized attention before. I wish human girls would jump into my underpants, but that's another story. :cry:

It's kind of sad when you give them cats (I got three) something that is too big for them to eat. God, they want that morsel of steak, but it's just too damn big. They end up licking it and cursing you out for teasing them. I have been taught to make sure that turkey and beef are shreaded up enough for little cat jaws.

Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat

DrAwkward wrote:Feeding my cats brings me nothing but joy...and relief from their goddamn whining.


As soon as my cat (bingo) hears the alarm from my cellphone in the morning he climbs onto my chest and chews my phone in happiness.

Motherfucker knows whats coming next. i love that fat bastard.
ChoCko is back in town!

Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat

I think it is sad when I put crushed glass in their food. The look on their little faces is truly heart-wrenching. I know it is wrong and it always seems to make me feel like shit...but I need to feel something ...you understand? Feeding these little fuckers broken glass makes me feel alive goddamn it! Don't judge me.

Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat

JC23by5 wrote:I think it is sad when I put crushed glass in their food. The look on their little faces is truly heart-wrenching. I know it is wrong and it always seems to make me feel like shit...but I need to feel something ...you understand? Feeding these little fuckers broken glass makes me feel alive goddamn it! Don't judge me.

Hmm. This post might originate a new EA rule:

All ignoramus posters will be jumped on for posting something stupid/silly/obnoxious within 136 posts.

I can't believe you posted this on the worlds premier cat lover board. Even in just.

Where's Stabby when you need him.

Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat

MrFood wrote:I sometimes look at my cats and worry that they're actually yearning to be human and tell me something and they CAN'T BECAUSE THEY'RE JUST A CAT and it's all so frustrating to them and so they just go back to sleep.

As a non-pet owner, I often wonder about this.

I think dogs wish it more, though, because they are more social.

I am not sure I would want to know what animals have to say. I am sure they know a lot of secrets.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat

Do you guys ever put your fingers on top of a cat's skull as he is chewing something crunchy so that you can feel it vibrate with every crunch?

Or raise him up in the air and drop his cold, squishy little paw-pads on your face, over and over again?

Or get him to lick your hand with that tongue that has those rough little scales?

I love doing those things. I love cats, and paw-pads are my favorite part of them.

Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat

in truth, feeding my cat can be frustrating. she's 16 years old, minature from losing a bunch of weight and she's completely crazy.
she's sitting on my hands as i type. like there's nowehere else she could sit? okay, she could, as she has begun doing recently sit on any wooden surface and leave behind what looks like black, cat dandruff which is verrry annoying or, she likes to sit on a piece of paper or newspaper..particularly if it's one you happen to be reading.

ANYWAY, when i feed her (i know she's tiny, but she gets fed believe me), she tends to take a bite and put it in the floor beside the bowl and sort of, lick it. yesterday she had created a trail of food from her bowl that went on for about 30cms. i was looking at her thinking "what the fuck goes on in your head?" and i got a fork and scooped it back in to the bowl where she continued eating. she would get through 2 tins a day if you gave into her greedy whinging. she eats a big tin every day but where the hell does it all go? she's like a bag of tiny bones!

she is partial to cream from a cake. if i have some on my finger, she turns maniacal and starts BITING my fingers. i cry with laughter when she crunches on a pringle.

she sometimes does this horrendous fox-like howling. panicking, i run into the kitchen, her bowl is full, she has water. what now?!

i love you kizzy. please don't go just yet.
Tom wrote: I remember going in the back and seeing him headbanging to Big Black. He looked like he was raping the air- really. He had this look on his face like, "yeah air... you know you want it.".

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