Little details from your day

Cranius wrote:On Saturday night I met Nick Bullen, founding member of Naplam Death.

Adam CR wrote:The first drummer in my old band came from the Coventry/Brum metal scene and told tales of the Napalm Death chap's swaggering arrogance. Apparently these fellows would enter a bar and expect nothing less than uniform adulation.

I hope this is true; an age where the members of ND strode the land like courageous musical giants would be worthy of celebration.


Little details from your day

bassdriver wrote:we wrote a letter to our landlord last week to remind him of all the repairs he promised to carry out. today he called me just to tell me that the community of heirs decided to sell the house we are living in. the new owner will knock down our house and build 3 one-family houses on this estate.

damn. we have to move this year.

Are there specific judicial arrangements for this in Switzerland (ie. tenant protection)? I ask because I once squeezed E5000 out of a similar situation, and I only found out about the possibility after an acquaintance mentioned it. A landlord, of course, will not be eager to tell you.

Little details from your day

Adam CR wrote:
ant man bee wrote:Adam, I would like to see a sticky thread dedicated to your In-laws. If not a sticky then one that you resurrect from time to time to share your stories.

I hope you're using the power of irony here...

I really do enjoy these stories! The stuff regarding the money they left after the last visit had me laughing quite audibly in the office.
Marsupialized wrote:I bet I hand you a gold bar that sucks dick on command and you'll be bitching that it dosent have the right kind of moustache.

Little details from your day

sunlore wrote:
bassdriver wrote:we wrote a letter to our landlord last week to remind him of all the repairs he promised to carry out. today he called me just to tell me that the community of heirs decided to sell the house we are living in. the new owner will knock down our house and build 3 one-family houses on this estate.

damn. we have to move this year.

Are there specific judicial arrangements for this in Switzerland (ie. tenant protection)? I ask because I once squeezed E5000 out of a similar situation, and I only found out about the possibility after an acquaintance mentioned it. A landlord, of course, will not be eager to tell you.

we have a legal period of notice of 3 months. but with the tenant protection we sure can effect an extension of time up to 1 year. but I don't think that there's any money to be squeezed out of this situation.

well and there's also a good aspect of the whole thing: we won't have to clean the house, and we won't have to get the 6 trees cut. and we are now thinking about buying a house. sounds like a good project.

Little details from your day

Adam CR wrote:Day 3: They're going to the shops.

Yesterday I dared suggest that the children might like to go the the playground rather than the shops. This was greeted rather icily, and it was to the shops they went.

Well Adam,

Thank you for suggesting the playground. Probably anyone who can even remotely remember being a kid knows that watching your parents go around to the shops is pretty shitty.

Maybe the consumer culture was not full-swing when they were young, depriving them of the fucking agony of boring, lame-ass shopping.

Hopefully these kiddies will take their future kiddies to the playground.


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