Good bands with bad names.

tommydski wrote:
big_dave wrote:Bands that have names that permanently link them to things that they "move on from", so to speak. Pere Ubu, R.E.M., Sonic Youth, The Fall, etc.

How do you figure Big Dave?

Bands that have names that link them to stuff that the band moves on from pretty quickly. The "literary" side of the Fall was pretty much over with MES' puberty, R.E.M. gave postpunk the heave-ho, Sonic Youth ditched the reggae and Pere Ubu decided that Europe was basically a backwater that crushed the spirits of the "rubes" and never produced anything they'd connect themselves to.

Oh yeah, ZZ Top eventually ditched the blooz. I guess that counts.

Good bands with bad names.

Adam CR wrote:Fugazi, No Means No, Screaming Trees, Nirvana, pretty much any contemporary bands called The something(s)...

gio wrote:Butthole Surfers is a pretty terrible band name.

placeholder wrote:Skinny Puppy. A fine band with a godawful name.

lemur68 wrote:Jawbox
Shudder To Think

burndaddy wrote:Rapeman
Killing Joke

Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:Slint

tommydski wrote:Crazy Horse
Neutral Milk Hotel
Red House Painters
Husker Du

The beauty of disagreement. Hahaha. Here are my picks:
We're From Japan!
The Raincoats
Your Ten Mofo
I'm iffy about Team Sleep being a good name.

Good bands with bad names.

Ty Webb wrote:Some good buddies of mine are in a metal/heavy rock band called Alabama Thunderpussy. Personally, I like the name, but they catch a lot of flak for it.

The lame thing is that Nashville Pussy was already on the scene when these guys started up.
For shame! How do they sleep at night?

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

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