Let us see your pet.

fantasmatical thorr wrote:cuteoverload. must post my cat here. she's sho shexy! kayte, i LOVE you hedgehog!! did you find it? buy it?

She was rescued by a hedgehog breeder from a bad family and I found out she needed a home on the world wide intarnets. She is an african pygmy, which are domestic pets in the US, as opposed to the european variety which are wild. She's very friendly and I "wuv" her.

I'm addicted to cute overload. And this thread. I want more cuties.

Let us see your pet.

kenoki wrote:
BadComrade wrote:

(I don't think I've ever posted this pic of Sophia before.)

There are also plenty of pics of her in the thread dedicated to her rescue mission as well.

cutie!! sofia looks just like our oscar, who is the funnest. there is just something about grey kitties.....

technically, i think that cat is (russian) blue.

but you're right. there is something about grey cats.

duff, moses, and dude were all grey and all special in their own ways. not like other people's cats. not at all typical but very special.
somebody help me. i can't help myself.

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