Good bands with bad names.

placeholder wrote:
itchy mcgoo wrote:Therapy?

This band name would be plenty stupid without the question mark, but the question mark makes the band name so much more embarrassing. It's the damndest thing.

The first song I listened by them was "meat abstract". I consider it a rip-off of "fists of love",by Big Black.

Good bands with bad names.

Richard wrote:
gaetano wrote:
Richard wrote:Brainiac

say what? next you'll be telling me Polvo is a bad name for a band.

No, I'd say that Polvo is one of the best names I've heard. A great one. Polvo is about 10 times better, as a band name, than Brainiac.

de gustibus non disputandum est.
which is latin for "you're one lucky guy, Richard" :)

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