Battles Atlas

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:Robert Pollard should have stopped well over 10 years ago because then maybe I could hear a Guided By Voices song and not want to punch myself in the throat.

Grow a rubberneck and blow yourself.
Bob, son of Kat- Wiffleball, and all around, Champ.

Battles Atlas

The band is fine and least they are trying to do, well, something interesting. The text surrounding it, however...why do they feel the need to give all-too-obvious blow-by-blow descriptions of what the band is 'doing', literally embedding the video file player in the review?

Now I want to hire Pitchfork journalists to hang out and narrate/describe my every action.

Seriously, when the amount of 'cultural byproduct' is completely and immediately swamped with analysis of said byproducts, you have to wonder about the state of things.

Battles Atlas

cjh wrote:Glitter band! Adam and the Ants! I hear both - but with these on vocals.

This is by far the best rendition 'I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts' which i've ever heard in my life. Pinky and Perky were absolutely born to sing this song. The palpable sense of joy emanating from their tiny little throats, it almost brings a tear to my eye. Thanks for posting cjh!

Adam and the Ants? Well, Battles do seem to have taken the ridicule is nothing to be scared of maxim to heart. Via jumpers. Then again, they're obviously spinning around in that cube in deep space and it's probably pretty cold out there, yeah? Think about it EA dude.

I like the song, and i'm still very much looking forward to hearing the album.

Battles Atlas

The Atlas song was a disappointment for me. It sounds like they're trying to charm fleas.

I wasn't charmed.

On the warp records home page, a snippet of another new song (Leyendecker) is playing. It begins as less suspect than Atlas, but then differently irritating treated vocals begin and seem to spoil the instrumentation.

At this point I'm thinking that the addition of tribal, chanting type vocals on top of already very percussive/staccato music is heavy-handed, if not contrived.

That being said, I will attempt to see them tomorrow night at the Black Cat, as their show was one of the more electrifying I witnessed last year.

If the show doesn't convince me to forget them, I will give the album a listen.

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