Feeding a cat

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Get out of the house more
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Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat

The last time I went back home I fed and watched my old cat eating a lot. I think I was overfeeding him because he's got the feline AIDS now and I read that eating well is especially important for him. (Trying to get my mom to grow some weed for the little guy but she's not into it.)

I guess watching him bummed me out a little, mostly because he can't just go outside and do what he wants anymore. Word is out that he's positive so no more kitty bathhouse or whatever it is he does out there. Neighbors got their eyes on him.

I'd remember smoking cigarettes on my porch when he would appear with a mouse or baby rabbit he'd caught. He would bring it right in front of me and just start crunching away on its head or neck. At this point I would usually go inside because it was a little too much Wild Kingdom first thing in the morning. Later I would come out to find choice internal organs left on the step. I always assumed it was a gift or something because the rest of the animal was never around. I like to think he was trying to feed me like I fed him.

Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat

"I always assumed it was a gift or something because the rest of the animal was never around. I like to think he was trying to feed me like I fed him."

He was trying to feed you. And you are supposed to pretend to eat it in front of him and appear grateful. At least that's what this lady told me a few weeks ago. She also wrote a book about teaching your cat to shit in the toilet.
http://www.pottytalkbytoast.com Very sweet lady. She was a customer at my work.

Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat

this might be my favorite thread i've seen here so far.

my favorite part of cats are the bumps on their tongue. a close up photo of them is woah freaky.

my cat eats with this paranoid watchful twitchy expression on her face, never letting her face dip down too low so that she can't see what's going on around her. she acts like eating is something that forces her to let her guard down, and thus she does it nervously. it's cute.
i don't wanna post any more comments 'cause if i do my status will no longer be "courtesan."

Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat

my favourite spot is his palm. i touch it and he grapples his little claws around my finger.
oh and i dont get sad when i feed him but it is pretty cool watching him eat

for anyone who suffers allergies with cats check this stuff out
my girlfriend suffers bad cat allergies and since ive been using this stuff (on the cat) her allergic attacks have been alot less frequent.

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