Is this show any good??

Total votes: 3 (10%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 26 (90%)
Total votes: 29

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

noise&light wrote:
bumble wrote:I don't think it was a new viper Starbuck was in. I don't think she's a Cylon - her childhood/broken bones/status of her "destiny" and all that.

I was thinking that perhaps Starbucks is becoming this all-knowing dreamvision to Apollo in much the same way that Gaius has his Six vision and Six has her Gaius vision.

My theory on Starbuck is that she's the new BSG's version of the Seraphs from the original series. The updated series has paralleled the original in a lot of ways (Baltar's path in the original series went from living among the humans to living with the cylons to returning and being imprisoned by the humans; the Pegasus showed up and was commanded by someone named Cain; etc.), so i'm sure they have something planned for the Seraphs and the "Ship of Lights" they traveled on (although i hope to god they don't use the name "Seraph" because that's fracking lame).

If i recall the recaps of the "Ship of Lights" episode from the original series correctly, the Ship knocked out the fleet's power for a spell when it showed up. Also, the Seraphs gave the humans their course to earth, i think.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

Mark Lansing wrote:The wife (who really loves SF) and I watched a few episodes and we were not at all impressed, and may I add we were both big FIREFLY fans. I say Crap, despite the presence of the very luscious Grace Park.

What episodes did you watch?

This is very much a serialized "you have to watch from the beginning" show, and a few of the early Season 1 episodes are a tad meh (although the first episode of Season 1, "33" is amazing).

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

DrAwkward wrote:
Mark Lansing wrote:The wife (who really loves SF) and I watched a few episodes and we were not at all impressed, and may I add we were both big FIREFLY fans. I say Crap, despite the presence of the very luscious Grace Park.

What episodes did you watch?

This is very much a serialized "you have to watch from the beginning" show, and a few of the early Season 1 episodes are a tad meh (although the first episode of Season 1, "33" is amazing).

They were first season epidoes, as a matter of fact, and we thought they were cheese. Has the show radically improved since then?
"Everything should be kept. I regret everything I’ve ever thrown away." -- Richard Hell

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

Mark Lansing wrote:They were first season epidoes, as a matter of fact, and we thought they were cheese. Has the show radically improved since then?

Welllll....if you thought they were "cheese," Season Two probably won't change your mind. The second season is much better, as the characters are established and shit is a complete mess for the humans at the end of Season One. There's specifically a three-part arc involving the Battlestar Pegasus in Season Two that is completely mind-blowing--possibly one of the best multi-part arcs i've ever seen on a television show.

But i dunno, i don't think Season One is severely worse than Two (actually, the last few Season One episodes are badass), so none of this may change your mind.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

DrAwkward wrote:I just watched a downloaded copy of "Razor," the 2-hour TV movie that is being aired this weekend on Sci-Fi. It's very good, and is chock full of old school original series Cylons for the nerds. So, ya know, watch it, so we can discuss it.

Hmm I pre ordered the DVD...not shipping til DEc and the TV version is set to broadcast this weekend? WTF

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

A lot of filler episodes mid-season three - I think too much of the FX budget was used in the early episodes...

On the whole, this show blows me away. I started watching it with very low expectations and was surprised to find the plot turning into some kind of bastardised Philip K Dick does Battlestar crossover.

The show constantly comes out with lots of little fucked up gems of ideas:

Cylons not knowing they're cylons
Cylons addicted rebirthing
Polytheistic humans suicide bombing monotheistic Cylons


The whole Seraph/ship-of-light theory for Starbuck's return seems highly plausible to me. My feeling is that this will also explain the deal with Tigh et al hearing the music. I don't think they're Cylons. I think the scriptwriters are just fucking with us.

It was an awesome way to end the season, but the inclusion of 'All Along the Watchtower' just doesn't make sense if the transmission came from the Cylons - unless of course Jimi Hendrix is the final Cylon or something.
Why defend cunts?

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