Adam CR wrote:As I understood it, Park amps and Marshall amps differed only in name and look (due to some boring legal issue relating to a long Rose Morris distribution deal).
Are there actual differences in design? Seems strange that Marshall would sell different designs under the Park name since it was created with the sole purpose of distributing Marshall amps without falling foul of their distribution would seem to defeat the object!
There are definitely Park models that are very different than Marshalls. I can use my Park Lead 1x12 combo as one example. I can't tell you the differences in the actual circuitry, but the cabinet is different from any other Marshall, it has a McKenzie speaker. It also has two inputs, high and low gain, and reverb. The reverb circuit is actually very good as opposed to my 1x12 Marshall combo. It also has a very different sound. Higher gain. There are no markings on the back panel except a serial number. The speaker is wired directly into the chassis.
I've heard that the Park models were also used as a platform for experimentation since they wouldn't have the Marshall name on them.