Let us see your pet.

Kayte R. wrote:
ChristopherM wrote:

Camera phones take bad pictures. Just took this one of Alice AKA "Scruffy McScrufferton." She needs to be groomed really really bad. Looking a bit too shaggy.

Is she a flatcoat?

Mini Wirehaired Dachshund. Unfortunately, her coat grew out this winter. Now we're going to have to spend hours getting it back to normal.
Oh, and fuck Mars Volta.

Let us see your pet.

burun wrote:
Nina wrote:This is my mom's cat, Wally.

As with dogs, I love these squished-face cats.

What breed of cats are they? They are like feline bulldogs.

She is a exotic tortoiseshell Persian. "Exotic" because she has short hair, instead of the long hair that Persians are known for. She sheds a lot because her fur is thick and very dense. My cousin breeds Persian cats and gave her to my mom as a divorce present, otherwise, her price tag would run between $1000- $1500. Persians lack tear ducts, so their eyes get all goopy.

Years ago, one of my cousins cats had a litter that had a 2 headed kitten; it was stillborn. I believe she gave it to a vet. school or something.

Let us see your pet.

Lemuel Gulliver wrote:My shoulder hurts when I play fetch with my dog. So I use a lacrosse stick. It's more fun for me that way. And more fun for her too.


It looks like she is the one who has all the fun! I like how she is running around with the lacrosse stick and then finally sees the ball at the end. Is she a Golden Retriever?

JamLifeIntoDeath wrote: I have convinced myself that he knows who I am

Of course he knows who you are! Animals are very smart. People do not give them enough credit. Spike is very cute.

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