Band: Pink Floyd

Total votes: 5 (20%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 20 (80%)
Total votes: 25

Band: Pink Floyd

burun wrote:
noise&light wrote:The D & D player who existed inside of me 28 years ago loves it when unicorns tell me about bands named Pendragon. I get a funny feeling inside.

Oh, DIP.

(hello, Tipcat)

I can't hate the Floyd. They are steeped in nostalgia for me, of many evenings spent in my cousin Scott's room, doing my math homework, waiting for my mom to come home from work.

I still listen to "Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast" once every two weeks or so.

Not crap.

Pretty much what she said. Except I don't have Atom Heart Mother. The only real gap in my Floyd discography, I think (I am not including the Dave-era shit), aside from The Final Cut and Obscured By Clouds. Everything else, though - soundtrack to my life in 8th grade through 10th grade. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Band: Pink Floyd

Syd era - Yes please! I love that shit.

Pre-Dark Side - Yes please. It's cool to see the transition. The Pink Floyd Live At Pompeii DVD is a good watch.

Dark Side - Yes please. I used to like it alright. I like it more as I grow older. It's a really good record.

Dark Side up until Animals - Usually. It's a little up it's own ass at that point. I don't feel like they are breaking as much ground. That's what happens when you can afford to build a house out of solid gold Rolls Royces. The edge slips away.
There's some good stuff in there though.

Post Animals - Not so much. I burned out on The Wall really soon after I heard it. There are some good songs, but it doesn't move me that much. The Final Cut is nicely dark, I guess. The rest of the albums, no thanks. I won't bitch if someone puts them on, but that's about it.

Yut - Not talented? WTF? Have you ever watched these guys work? They have chops, but they also made excellent, timeless production decsions. They chose to work with people who could see that through for them. Gilmour does more with one note than a wank like Steve Howe can with 10,000.
Plus, it's not the same thing anyway. I don't consider PF very "prog" for that very reason - they weren't show offs, they could lock into a groove, and they weren't scared of minimalism.

Not Crap
WF:5 for getting up their own asses.

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

Band: Pink Floyd

Piper At The Gates of Dawn, that is just a classic rock record. I might be a bit biased because I love Syd Barrett, but when "Astronomy Domine" kicks in, it really gets to it.

There are also a lot of fond memories associated w/ Floyd, so I couldn't ever possibly call them crap, although I really can't stand some of the later shite.
Tiny Monk site and blog

Band: Pink Floyd

alex maiolo wrote:Syd era - Yes please! I love that shit.

I agree. I also am quite fond of his solo stuff, Opel is really good, but the album with "Effervescent Elephant" (name of which has slipped my mind at the mo) is far superior.

alex maiolo wrote:Pre-Dark Side - Yes please. It's cool to see the transition. The Pink Floyd Live At Pompeii DVD is a good watch.


alex maiolo wrote:Dark Side - Yes please. I used to like it alright. I like it more as I grow older. It's a really good record.

I went to see Roger Waters recently when he was touring. The reason I went was because he was doing Dark Side in it's entirety. Snowy White was doing Gilmores bit that evening and I have to say, Gilmore was not missed by anyone in that audience. Snowy was fantastic.
Gilmore can play guitar, but the fact that he is such a dick, causes me to not give a shit about how well he can play. He can be replaced and not missed, as I witnessed.

alex maiolo wrote: That's what happens when you can afford to build a house out of solid gold Rolls Royces. The edge slips away.

I hate it when this happens.

Band: Pink Floyd

In the biography of Mark David Chapman's life, Let Me Take You Down, Chapman explains that while he was an adolescent high on LSD and listening to Ummagumma he briefly considered hacking his sleeping friends to death. With so much of their mega-success Waters-era material overplayed on commercial radio, I often prefer to dig out Ummagumma or Saucerful of Secrets. And the Chapman story makes me shudder just a little while listening to "Careful With That Axe, Eugene."

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