The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

sphincter wrote:
clocker bob wrote:
sphincter wrote:I dunno I didn't really read much of it all too closely
I don't really know anything about the subject I don't actually know I could be wrong probably am Just talking.



Hahahahaha, true.

We are all guilty of this at times. Of course for somarsupializedme of us, replace the kite with a dead cat.

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

US Central Command is 'promoting' ( not sure if that's the right word ) an imminent bin Laden video. I take this as a sign that another false flag attack is in the pipeline.
al sahab wrote:"After a long absence by the shaykh of mujahidin, whom we have missed as well as his speeches, some news is being leaked indicating that Shaykh Usama Bin Ladin, God protect and preserve him and make him a thorn in the throat of the enemies, will make an appearance. The news indicates that Al-Sahab Media Establishment, which specializes in publishing Al-Qa'ida leaders' speeches, has recently finished producing a video featuring Bin Ladin's speech to the entire Islamic nation. "

Furthermore, the poster of this note maintains that the speech includes several messages to the "mujahidin" in Iraq, the Palestinian People on " the capitulation choice which HAMAS gave in to," the Riyadh Arab summit, the "fears" of America and its allies of the establishment of the Islamic Caliphate state in Iraq, and the "good tidings of victory in Iraq and Afghanistan."

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Blasts from the past- CNN, February 2005:
9/11 panel: FAA had early al Qaeda warnings

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Dozens of Federal Aviation Administration memos warned of al Qaeda or Osama bin Laden in 2001, but the agency didn't order new security measures before the September 11 attacks, a newly released declassified report by the 9/11 commission says.

The FAA's security branch generated 105 so-called daily summaries between April 1 and September 10, 2001, the report said. Fifty-two of those summaries mentioned bin Laden or al Qaeda, and five discussed hijacking "as a capability al Qaeda was training for or possessed."

Was 'Stonewall' Jackson the President then?

It's long been known that U.S. authorities had opportunities to stop at least some of the Sept. 11 hijackers. Now the extent of the government's failures is coming to light.

At a two-day hearing this week, the federal commission investigating the attacks revealed U.S. authorities had numerous opportunities to stop the hijackers, including many face-to-face encounters.

The missteps included miscommunications about al-Qaida operatives dating back to the mid-1990s, hijackers who were allowed to repeatedly enter the United States even with false or the wrong visa papers, and missed chances to stop suspects at airport security checkpoints despite warning signs.

"We were asleep. Opportunities were lost," said former New Jersey Gov. Thomas Kean, a Republican who chairs the bipartisan National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. "The hijackers analyzed our system and developed a plan they felt sure would beat it in every case, and 19 out of 19 succeeded."

Yeah, Tom- they 'analyzed' the system! I mean, there's no way they were protected assets of any intelligence agency. They were combination safecrackers cat burglars super pilots masters of disguises code breakers nerves of steel escape artists terrorist superstars!

New developments- the organization Pilots for 9/11 Truth has added more prominent new members to their list of brave men and women from the worlds of military and civil aviation who question the official myth, including:
Lt. Col. Jeff Latas, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former combat fighter pilot (F-15E and F-111). Former President, U.S. Air Force Accident Investigation Board. Also served as Pentagon Weapons Requirement Officer and as a member of the Pentagon's Quadrennial Defense Review. Awarded Distinguish Flying Cross for Heroism, four Air Medals, four Meritorious Service Medals, and nine Aerial Achievement Medals. 20-year Air Force career. Currently commercial airline pilot.

Congratulations to Jeff Latas, who recognizes bullshit.

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

More new additions to the list of retired military officers to come out in support of 9/11 Truth:

Guy Razer:
Lt. Col. Guy S. Razer, MS, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Retired U.S. Air Force fighter pilot (F-111, F-15E, F-16, B-1, F-18, Mig-29, and Suu-22). Flew combat missions over Iraq. Former instructor at the USAF Fighter Weapons School and NATO’s Tactical Leadership Program. 20-year Air Force career.

"After 4+ years of research since retirement in 2002, I am 100% convinced that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were planned, organized, and committed by treasonous perpetrators that have infiltrated the highest levels of our government.

Shelton Lankford:
Lt. Col. Shelton F. Lankford, U.S. Marine Corps (ret) – Retired U.S. Marine Corps fighter pilot with over 300 combat missions flown. 21-year Marine Corps career.

Lankford wrote this letter to the Michigan Daily in February:
"Our government has been hijacked by means of a "new Pearl Harbor" and a lot of otherwise good and decent people who are gullible enough to think that the first three steel-framed buildings in history fell down because they had some fires that the firefighter on the scene said could be knocked down with a couple of hoses ( and through which people walked before they were photographed looking out the holes where the plane hit ). One of these - Bldg 7, [610 feet tall, 47 stories] was never hit by a plane and even NIST is ashamed to advance a reason for its collapse. And, miracle of miracles, these three buildings just happened to be leased and insured by the same guy who is on tape saying they decided to "PULL" the last one to fall."

Daniel Davis:
Capt. Daniel Davis, U.S. Army – Former U.S. Army Air Defense Officer and NORAD Tac Director. Decorated with the Bronze Star and the Soldiers Medal for bravery under fire and the Purple Heart for injuries sustained in Viet Nam. Also served in the Army Air Defense Command as Nike Missile Battery Control Officer for the Chicago-Milwaukee Defense Area. Founder and former CEO of Turbine Technology Services Corp., a turbine (jet engine) services and maintenance company (15 years). Former Senior Manager at General Electric Turbine (jet) Engine Division (15 years). Private pilot.

Davis made this statement:
"As a former General Electric Turbine engineering specialist and manager and then CEO of a turbine engineering company, I can guarantee that none of the high tech, high temperature alloy engines on any of the four planes that crashed on 9/11 would be completely destroyed, burned, shattered or melted in any crash or fire. Wrecked, yes, but not destroyed. Where are all of those engines, particularly at the Pentagon? If jet powered aircraft crashed on 9/11, those engines, plus wings and tail assembly, would be there.

Additionally, in my experience as an officer in NORAD as a Tactical Director for the Chicago-Milwaukee Air Defense and as a current private pilot, there is no way that an aircraft on instrument flight plans (all commercial flights are IFR) would not be intercepted when they deviate from their flight plan, turn off their transponders, or stop communication with Air Traffic Control. No way! With very bad luck, perhaps one could slip by, but no there's no way all four of them could!

Finally, going over the hill and highway and crashing into the Pentagon right at the wall/ground interface is nearly impossible for even a small slow single engine airplane and no way for a 757. Maybe the best pilot in the world could accomplish that but not these unskilled "terrorists".

Attempts to obscure facts by calling them a "Conspiracy Theory" does not change the truth. It seems, "Something is rotten in the State."

Think Bill O'Reilly will let any of these people near his program?

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Nine minute youtube video of the planted eyewitnesses to the Tower collapses.

First, the famous guy in the hockey jersey on the Manhattan street who popped up instantly on FOX Noise to blame the collapses on 'structural failure' in the calm voice of an infomercial actor:

""mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense" is actually comical it's so obvious. I crack up every time i hear him say that.

And then second, Jerome Bauer, government insider, who turned up quickly with Dan Rather and others to spin the official myth- at 9:34 am EDT, he was on TV and pushing bin Laden / al Qaeda.

watch the 9 min. youtube video here

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

John Kerry answers a question by a 9/11 Truth activist and states that, as he understands it, the demolition of WTC7 was partially accomplished in a "controlled fashion".

Here's his wording, in the context of this article:
Questioned on WTC 7 by members of Austin 9/11 Truth Now at a Book People event in Austin Texas, Kerry responded, "I do know that that wall, I remember, was in danger and I think they made the decision based on the danger that it had in destroying other things, that they did it in a controlled fashion."

Kerry is basically saying that the building was intentionally demolished to prevent a random collapse from damaging nearby buildings, but that premise has never been explicitly admitted, with officials clinging to the notion that the collapse was expected but was not aided by means of explosive charges, because to admit to a controlled demolition would be to expose foreknowledge of 9/11 itself.

Whether Kerry is basing his response on inside knowledge or hearsay is largely irrelevant, the fact that a sitting United States Senator is openly contradicting the official 9/11 story as well as a multi-billion dollar insurance lawsuit strikes at the root of the controversy surrounding Building 7.

In February of 2002 Silverstein Properties won $861 million from Industrial Risk Insurers to rebuild on the site of WTC 7. Silverstein Properties' estimated investment in WTC 7 was $386 million. This building's collapse alone resulted in a payout of nearly $500 million, based on the contention that it was an accidental event caused by the fall of the twin towers.

Five minute video of the exchange at youtube

Congratulations to the activists who asked the excellent, well-composed questions.

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Professor Steven Jones' newest lecture is up on youtube, in ten parts. Part seven features the X-ray spectrometry of dust from the WTC compared to the incendiary compound Thermate. Of course, they match, since we all know that steel-framed skyscrapers don't collapse into their own footprints in 12 seconds from hydrocarbon fires burning on scattered floors at 500 celsius, which is barely hot enough to cook a turkey.

Professor Steven Jones presenting his X-ray spectrometry evidence from samples taken at the WTC site. They dramatically show a PERFECT MATCH for the highly specialized compound "thermate" (used for cutting through steel) found in the WTC debris. (And no, thermate was NOT used during the clean up operation...this stuff was in the building, and ignited, prior to collapse.)

All the links to the videos at stop the lies.

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