Slint playing Spiderland in NYC

andyman wrote:
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:For $30 I could go buy their records and sit at home and listen to them real loud without having to be surrounded by a bunch of fan boy idiots.

It's sad how much I have to think this when I go to shows.


I didn't have my life changed by Slint, so I wouldn't pay $30 to see them. I also didn't like Spiderland much when I first heard it. It took a while for me to admit it's a good record. The more I listen to them, the more I take back the shit I talked on Tweez. Why spend $30 on a band of which I'm just not really that big of a fan? I wouldn't spend $30 to see a lot of bands. The only reason I spent $35+$12 in charges for Morrissey tickets is because my brother really wanted me to go with him, so I said okay. 1,000 fucking morons around me crying because they feel like they're seeing Jesus Christ? Fuck that shit.

Shows for the most part have a lot to do lately for me with how I feel about the crowd...or what it will be like. I mean, I like a few hardcore bands from around here, but I NEVER go to their shows because it erupts into a fight or some other bullshit. Indie rock shows are just kids with super-tight jeans and tight American Apparel t-shirts with thick glasses and high hair who drink and bitch about how they really love the Decemberists. No one has any fucking balls!

I'd rather turn the up the heat in my apartment to stifling levels while standing for four hours between three bookcases, staring a picture of the band I printed out and hung on the wall and blasting "Spiderland" instead of spending $30.

Slint playing Spiderland in NYC

I shelled out big benjamins to see the pixies. I flew across the fucking country to see them play coachella a couple years ago, but that was a band that DID change my life and one of my biggest regrets in life up to that point was that I'd never get to see them play. I honestly had to choke back a tear when they started playing.

I flew out to California to see them because I was afraid they'd crash and burn before they made it to the east coast. Then I spent $50 a ticket for me and my lady to see them twice when they played in new york. Kristen Hersh and Mike Watt's bands were bonuses at the NY shows. It was worth it, but I would not spend that kind of money to see them again.

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