New football season 2008-2009

We're going down now aren't we? Our only hope is that Southend keep losing and we drag Hull down in the place of Barnsley, who look like they aren't going to lay down and die like I had hoped. Man, relegated twice in one lifetime. I checked my birth certificate to make sure it still said Leeds and unfortunately it still fucking does, so I guess I'll just have to accept it.

If we could keep the players we have now in League One, I wouldn't mind so much because we'd win occasionally. Wait, that's what I said about going down to the Championship too didn't I? Kevin Blackwell is a really unique manager. He's getting two clubs relegated in one season. That's pretty impressive.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

New football season 2008-2009

I don't think Leeds are buried yet - four teams seperated by two points... it can still be done. It's been a good run lately apart from the last ten minutes against Colchester, whereas Southend's win was a freak. If that's their last freak of the week - er, season - and Barnsley get back to losing ways, then there is hope.

If Leeds do end up in League One next season... yes, this team would do well, but who of this team will remain? Thompson won't stay. Kishishev? Hmm. Healy will gone for sure, probably Blake and Cresswell - so that's Moore and Kandol up front. Gray would like to stay apparently but in League One, when he's played Premiership football this season?

I think Leeds'd be back down to about three players again, only this time Kelly will have retired.

As for Blackwell... well I've tried to resist it but I can't help thinking we'd be safe if we'd kept him. Leeds were terrible at the start of the season but the defence was solid - they were only losing one or at most two goals a game - scoring was the bigger problem. It was as soon as Blackwell left and Carver took over that all that went to shit, and it's only in the last few weeks that Wise has managed to sort it out (after about the tenth left back and umpteen centre-halfs). There were obviously other problems at the club which may have been solved by sacking Blackwell (the reported dressing room unrest, Butler's clique and all that) but this season is almost a case study in how changing managers mid-season can fuck you up.
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