Control Apparatus Expose: DC Post Scrubs News Into Poop

This is really shocking- take the time to read this one.

First, the Washington Post ran a Reuters article, as Reuters wrote it:
Eschaton catches the Washington Post in blatant media manipulation of the war in Iraq, manipulation so bad it can be called lying. The original Reuters story contains the following paragraph concerning an American attack on the Iraqi city of Diwaniya, quoting American military spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Scott Bleichwehl:

“Bleichwehl said troops, facing scattered resistance, discovered a factory that produced ‘explosively formed penetrators’ (EFPs), a particularly deadly type of explosive that can destroy a main battle tank and several weapons caches.”

These are, of course, the famous explosives that the propagandists claim must be coming from Iran, as the locals in Iraq lack the sophistication to manufacture them. Another lie busted.

Here's the screenshot of the Post article, as it appeared on Google News roundup:

Then, guess what happened to the Post article? It reappeared hours later, scrubbed. The Post still credits Reuters, but look at the critical paragraph:
post 4-7-07 wrote:U.S. air strike hits volatile Iraqi city

Saturday, April 7, 2007; 9:14 AM

( jumping forward to the scrubbed paragraph...)

The U.S. military said two U.S. soldiers died in separate roadside bombings in the east and west of Baghdad on Friday.

One of the bombs was an explosively formed projectile, a particularly deadly type of device which Washington accuses Iran of supplying Iraqi militants.

Commentary by xymphora on this:
But don’t count the Washington Post out yet. In an extensive rewrite of the Reuters piece – in fact, so extensive, you can only see the original framework by looking carefully – the Washington Post scrubs the paragraph about the origin of the EFPs, but ensures that the following is inserted (emphasis in red):

“The U.S. military said two U.S. soldiers died in separate roadside bombings in the east and west of Baghdad on Friday.

One of the bombs was an explosively formed projectile, a particularly deadly type of device which Washington accuses Iran of supplying Iraqi militants.”

In other words, they use the classic Judy Miller/Michael Gordon technique from the New York Times of passing on Bush Administration propaganda by ensuring that it is prominently placed – together with the appropriate weasel words referring back to the original, completely unquestioned, government source – so that there is no technical lying, although the intent is obviously to deceive (the last two honest paragraphs in the Reuters article have also gone missing).

It’s even worse. As Eschaton notes, the Google News capture of the original article contains the original paragraph from the Reuters article. In other words, the truth accidentally slipped out, and they had to rush to fix it. I have to wonder whether the Washington Post news room has some kind of alarm that sounds in those rare cases when the truth is published and the entire staff is mobilized to suppress it.

And they wonder why people no longer buy newspapers.

see the full sanitized washington post article here

Control Apparatus Expose: DC Post Scrubs News Into Poop

Everyone should email the Post and their Ombudsman about this. Put the pressure on them. Don't be cynical and tell me that won't do anything. Cynicism is what got us here in the first place. There are no bigger cynics then George W. Bush, Dick Fucking Cheney and Karl Rove.

Seriously, it is past time for all of us to start fucking screaming at the top of our lungs. Our country is sliding into authoritarian fascism. The GOP has blurred the lines between party and state and the major media outlets are their partners. They are traitors and cowards afraid of the common person armed with knowledge of the facts.

So arm yourself, and fucking scream.
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Control Apparatus Expose: DC Post Scrubs News Into Poop

Bob, was there anything about this in the local media? I don't remember reading about this discovery (of the bomb factory) in the Tribune or Sun-Times, for instance.

It wouldn't hurt to e-mail the editorial staff at the Tribune about this assault on the truth by the Washington Post. If enough people make noise about it, they may feel obligated to say something about it.

The Sun-Times I wouldn't bother about. This paper is hardly even useful for wrapping fish.
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Control Apparatus Expose: DC Post Scrubs News Into Poop

Yes, I know they are a relatively conservative newspaper. That said, there is a bit of difference between being conservative, and spinning something into a bald-faced lie.

Between the Sun-Times and the Tribune, I'll take the Tribune. The Sun-Times is barely above tabloid level. The only reason I read it is for a few of it's features. Even those are barely defendable. It's major claim to fame is being easier to read on the train or bus.

Too bad the Daily News no longer exists.

Control Apparatus Expose: DC Post Scrubs News Into Poop

This is what I got from a search of Google news using the name 'Scott Bleichwehl', a distinctive name:

I got a Reuters UK article from April 7, now worded the same as the Post. Check that here

Next result was Gulf News, out of the UAE- same wording as the Post. Check that here.

BUT THEN- third result was from the Malaysia Star, April 6, and their archived article has the original Reuters text, with the EFP factory found in Iraq. Check that out ( if it hasn't changed ) here

paragraph from Malaysia Star wrote:POLICE STAY AT HOME

Bleichwehl said troops, facing scattered resistance, discovered a factory that produced 'explosively formed penetrators' (EFPs), a particularly deadly type of explosive that can destroy a main battle tank and several weapons caches.

Continuing on:

Reuters Canada: scrubbed.

Central Chronicle of India: has got the original wording.

Khaleej Times : has the original Reuters article.

I didn't check them all. Input the Lietenant Colonel's name into google news and click on 'similar results' if you want to track down more examples of who sanitized and who didn't.

El Protoolio has the right idea- let's see what the Post sends back as a response.

Control Apparatus Expose: DC Post Scrubs News Into Poop

xymphora has a new post about the switched article- it's currently at the top of his blog. Check it here:

I'm going to copy the relevant details from xymphora for my e-mail to the Post.

( For those that don't know - and who would? - xymphora covers 9/11=Inside Job and other shadow government news, so decide for yourself if you want to use xymphora as part of your e-mail to the Post, if you're intending to send one. )

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