
Total votes: 3 (8%)
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Total votes: 36 (92%)
Total votes: 39

Artist: Jandek

What are good places to start? The earlier stuff, the later stuff...is it all of a piece? I have some friends who are really into him.

I like the title Six and Six, so is that a good one to start with? Are there any records of his that are at least somewhat relatively accessible, or good for newcomers?
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Artist: Jandek

Jandek's playing here (NYC) Saturday.

Very excited.

Good Jandek starting points:

The Living End (which was my intro to Jandek)
Blue Corpse (which is basically Jandek's breakup album)
You Walk Alone

However, even though it's musically very, very different from everything else, Glasgow Monday might be the very best starting point, even though it's relatively new. I think it serves as a nice window into what he's about, what his lyrics tend to be like, and his sense of storytelling.

He's at times a very difficult listen, but a rewarding one.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Artist: Jandek

SecondEdition wrote:What are good places to start? The earlier stuff, the later stuff...is it all of a piece? I have some friends who are really into him.

I like the title Six and Six, so is that a good one to start with? Are there any records of his that are at least somewhat relatively accessible, or good for newcomers?

The second quarter or so--around Blue Corpse and You Walk Alone--is maybe the most "accessible" period. I know picking those two up made me a fan.
http://mauricerickard.com/ | http://onezeromusic.com/

Artist: Jandek

I saw Jandek live a couple of months ago. The show was supposed to start at 8:00p sharp, it started around 8:40 and went on for well over two hours (I'm guessing).

I've been fascinated with Jandek for years now and first learned of him while in high school in Houston TX. I like a lot of his music, don't listen to it that often, but I like it (when in the mood) and find his mythology intriguing.

Jandek Show Spoiler - You've been warned!

After an introduction for Jandek there was awkward silence and the sound of heavy boots clumping around backstage. After awhile three band members emerged: a guy with a clarinet or similar reed instrument, a percussionist and a gal with a fiddle.

Jandek appeared shortly thereafter with a hat pulled down low and a black suit. He was carrying a suitcase which he promptly opened at the piano and set out sheet music or lyrics (probably not sheet music based on his piano playing) in front of him. He then proceeded to play along with the band on stage for a really long time before vocals started. I think he only plays the white keys...

For the first fifteen minutes or so I was entertained by the peculiar sight of the man called Jandek. This wore off and I began to survey the room, I actually counted everyone in attendance (around eighty people or so) at one point. I few times I would lock in on the songs and find moments to be compelling. That being said, I begin to shift my weight from ass cheek to ass cheek, checked my wife's watch at least a hundred times and did a lot of introspective day errr, mid-eveningdreaming. The piano continued to pound notches into my skull, Jandek's warbly off-key voice now seemed hypnotic, but not relaxing, man was I getting antsy! I got up at one point to use the restroom and get a breath of fresh air, something we had been warned not to do, but I just couldn't take it any longer.

About an hour and forty into the set, we finally gave up and left the show. I have a three kids that were being babysat by grandparents and we only had two hours to kill, so we split.

The night air never felt so good I tell ya, and the ride home was unusually pleasant; freedom's air was certainly sweet after a long night with a representative from Corwood.

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