The Stooges The Weirdness

enframed wrote:
actually i just wanted to know what he thought of the record.

Would it kill you to adhere even vaguely to the rules of English grammar?

Asking a professional anything to spill the beans on their recent client is retarded. Do you regularly pester the local doctor for his opinions relative to Mrs Bonningford at number 30's ankle swelling?

Why not stop posting retarded stuff and be a force for good instead?

The Stooges The Weirdness

Steve V. wrote:
sphincter wrote:
enframed wrote:this weirdness record fucking sucks. his lyrics are ridiculous, which might be funny if the delivery didn't sound so forced. he doesn't sound like he "really means" it, you know? he's trying to sound like he means it. iggy has become a caricature of his former self. the old iggy was concerned about getting some cuddles, drugs and pussy, and other ways to "kill time."

i could tell during the first track that albini recorded it and noticing that is what brought me to this board. i was curios if i could find out why he recorded them (for the money?). and whether he actually thought it was good.

Steve Albini just asked to hear your record, here's your chance.

I've never done this before in my life...but there's a first time for everything:


Aw mean, I'm working on it, I'll get better.

The Stooges The Weirdness

Adam CR wrote:
enframed wrote:
actually i just wanted to know what he thought of the record.

Would it kill you to adhere even vaguely to the rules of English grammar?

Asking a professional anything to spill the beans on their recent client is retarded. Do you regularly pester the local doctor for his opinions relative to Mrs Bonningford at number 30's ankle swelling?

Why not stop posting retarded stuff and be a force for good instead?

because i left out the serial comma and neglected to capitalize? i didn't realize that the one had to adhere to the CMS on internet message boards.

you're another one of those internet grammar nazis. and i'm the retard.

i never asked steve to spill the beans on anything. i was curious if i could find out what a recording engineer thought of a particular recording. this being the EABB i thought this as good a place to look as any for info on this particular recording.

instead i learned that steve albini thinks i'm a cocksocket. i'm just honored he thought of me at all. :D

as for being a force for good, has anyone else on this board participated in a crap/not crap thread and declared anything crap?. fuck off, all of you. :P

see you on the next thread.


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