Really Good Beers

154 wrote:
Ty Webb wrote:Okay, seriously Chicagoans!

Goose Island! Do none of you feel it's worthy of mentioning among all these beers? Absurd! Goose Island is world-class. No doubt,.

just bought some Honkers Ale (it was pretty cheap!) i'll get back to ya later..

You will be happy or I will give manual release long time.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

Really Good Beers

154 wrote:
Ty Webb wrote:
Okay, seriously Chicagoans!

Goose Island! Do none of you feel it's worthy of mentioning among all these beers? Absurd! Goose Island is world-class. No doubt,.

just bought some Honkers Ale (it was pretty cheap!) i'll get back to ya later..

You will be happy or I will give manual release long time.


pretty good! strikes me as a good dinner beer. almost a little too smooth, which just means i'll probably drink twice as much. i almost bought their IPA, definitely will next time..

..and that one is gone. fuck.

Really Good Beers

Colonel Panic wrote:Anyone here ever try Aventinus?


It's produced by the G. Schneider & Sohn brewery in Kelheim, Germany. It's a Weizen-dopplebock, a very strong, dark wheat beer. It has some really powerful clove and banana esters, and the combination of dark malts and the wheat combine to form notes of caramel, chocolate, and dates or raisins.

A very unusual brew. If you like dark beers and wheat beers I encourage you to try it. They have it on tap at The Map Room here in Chicago, and I believe Quenchers has it in bottles.
What he said.
What are the queers doing to the soil?

Really Good Beers

Dugong wrote:Are there any American beers that can hold a stick to the likes of any German, Czech, Polish, Austrian, or Dutch beer in the pilsner/lager style? We should stick with what we're good at and that is, in this case, craft ales. Happy Mae fest!
It's true, there are very few great American lagers, pils, or Weiss/Hefeweizen. I am growing quite fond of craft ale, especially of the amber variety. IPA though, to me, just tastes nasty. I guess what I'm sayin' is, I'm down with hops, as long as they get balanced by hearty barley malt.
What are the queers doing to the soil?

Really Good Beers

That's crazy. There are American lagers that not only compete with, but best, the world's lagers. I'd put a select microbrew pilsners up against any pilsner in the world as well.

American beer is not PBR, Bud, and Miller High Life. God forbid.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

Really Good Beers

Ty Webb wrote:That's crazy. There are American lagers that not only compete with, but best, the world's lagers. I'd put a select microbrew pilsners up against any pilsner in the world as well.

American beer is not PBR, Bud, and Miller High Life. God forbid.

American Micro brews have come a long way in the last ten years, and stack up well against any other countries traditional beers.
PBR, Bud, and High life are American beers last time I checked.

Really Good Beers

field wrote:
Ty Webb wrote:That's crazy. There are American lagers that not only compete with, but best, the world's lagers. I'd put a select microbrew pilsners up against any pilsner in the world as well.

American beer is not PBR, Bud, and Miller High Life. God forbid.

American Micro brews have come a long way in the last ten years, and stack up well against any other countries traditional beers.
PBR, Bud, and High life are American beers last time I checked.

Hehe yeah, technically those 3 are considered to be beers, unless you're going by the German Reinheitsgabot (Beer Purity Law), but that law would disqualify most of the beers in the world.

I think what Ty Webb meant by that remark was that PBR, Bud, and Miller High Life do not constitute the entirety of American beer products.

Though I may be as much a beer geek as the next guy (being a homebrewer certainly brands me as one), I can still appreciate a good ole American light lager on a hot summers day. I have too many fond memories attached to the drinking of cheap beers like PBR and Miller to just snub them in such a heartless way...

What I would give to once again drink a cold can of Falstaff or Meister Brau...

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