field wrote:Ty Webb wrote:That's crazy. There are American lagers that not only compete with, but best, the world's lagers. I'd put a select microbrew pilsners up against any pilsner in the world as well.
American beer is not PBR, Bud, and Miller High Life. God forbid.
American Micro brews have come a long way in the last ten years, and stack up well against any other countries traditional beers.
PBR, Bud, and High life are American beers last time I checked.
Hehe yeah, technically those 3
are considered to be beers, unless you're going by the German
Reinheitsgabot (Beer Purity Law), but that law would disqualify most of the beers in the world.
I think what
Ty Webb meant by that remark was that PBR, Bud, and Miller High Life do not constitute the
entirety of American beer products.
Though I may be as much a beer geek as the next guy (being a homebrewer certainly brands me as one), I can still appreciate a good ole American light lager on a hot summers day. I have too many fond memories attached to the drinking of cheap beers like PBR and Miller to just snub them in such a heartless way...
What I would give to once again drink a cold can of Falstaff or Meister Brau...