Well, do ya?

Yes, I do.
Total votes: 24 (21%)
No, I don't.
Total votes: 85 (73%)
Maybe I do, maybe I don't.
Total votes: 7 (6%)
Total votes: 116

Do you own a gun?

i used to own a glock 9mm back when i was 20 (i'm 34 now). it was quite fun. in the mountains above santa barbara there is an open, unregulated (except for the odd sheriff now and then) shooting range. man, the weirdo's you'd see up there... there was this one guy, dirty, smelly, driving some old jalopy, wearing dark glasses...he was rolling around and diving behind rock and firing at his targets some little semi-auto. freaked me out, man. one guy let me shoot his .44 magnum for a shot of the glock. and i did get to shoot an kalishnikov once. pretty cool. so loud, any gun sans silencer.

my roommate had a beretta 9mm. once, before some friends came over, we "did the place up" and had out on the coffee table: guns, rounds, cigarettes, booze, porn. our friends walk in and were a bit worried. "wtf, man?" (laughter)

i sold the glock (legally) shortly after buying it cuz i was left w/o a roommate and needed to pay rent. never got another firearm.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

Do you own a gun?

No guns now. I live in a booming metropolis.

Back in the country, I used to have access to a Winchester 12-guage 'magnum' shotgun, a .45 Glock, a 1920 army-issue .45, the usual roster of .22 rifles, a .410/.22 over-under rifle, a .30/.30, and a host of black powder firearms (handguns and rifles). We used to get drunk and shoot cans in the back yard. It was testosterone-laden, whitetrash fun. I haven't hunted since I was 14.

The Glock was definitely cool, but the best shot was the old .45 army-issue. At the appropriate range (i.e. pretty close), it was ridiculously powerful and spot-on with the accuracy.

If I move into shitland, which I may have to do due to the unbelievable increase in rent on downtown properties, I am getting a little .410 derringer for the apartment.

A side note: someone mentioned the .50 Magnum Desert Eagle pistol. A friend of a friend of mine had one, and someone broke into his house late at night. He shot at the guy, through a wall (apparently the bullet went through two interior walls and the exterior wall of his BRICK home), and instantaneously destroyed both of his eardrums. Crap. Get a shotgun. That way you won't kill someone not in the room with you, for crying out loud.

Do you own a gun?

I own four.

I have shot them many times.
I have never been shot.
I have never been held up at gunpoint.
I have skinned and cooked the victims of my gun violence, and they were delicious, often wrapped in bacon and served with a cabernet reduction.

I still very much support changes to existing gun laws.

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

Do you own a gun?

alex maiolo wrote:I own four.

I have shot them many times.
I have never been shot.
I have never been held up at gunpoint.
I have skinned and cooked the victims of my gun violence, and they were delicious, often wrapped in bacon and served with a cabernet reduction.

I still very much support changes to existing gun laws.


The thought occurs that I am completely ignorant of gun laws in the state I currently live in. My thoughts on the matter are as follows (since the thread we would normally discuss this on has gone whacko haywire...): every firearm should be registered with law enforcement (I don't want a policeman to lose his mind if he happens to find an unexpected firearm in my apartment). Rigid specifications for sport, hunting, and protection should be delineated (I'm sure they are. I hope they are...). The more exotic and ridiculous firearms should be held under pretty severely regulated 'collector' licenses, if not outlawed altogether.

The drop in crime ratings in states where 'concealed carry' permits are easily obtainable by citizens makes me think that there might be a genuine deterrent going on there. It might be a good idea...I'm not sure. It seemed to work in Florida. I think there is a 'concealed carry' law in effect here in Washington, but it is my understanding that, although it is perfectly legal, the office no longer issues licenses, just because. I think that's a little weird. However, crime here is NOTHING like it is back in St. Louis.

I have been robbed at gunpoint twice...during one of those occasions I was pistolwhipped.

Cornfed venison is delicious.

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