This is not the Calvin Johnson thing. This is actually pretty damn good.
Band: The Go! Team
3Saw them at the Spitz last month. Exactly the sort of pop sensibility I love. The album is a bit rough and ready, but very much NOT CRAP.
Band: The Go! Team
4The only problem I have with this group is that they're almost too catchy. I've had this record for less than 48 hours and I've already listened to it 10 times. It also really makes me want to go rollerskating.
Better yet, eat the placenta!!!
Band: The Go! Team
5I was in a record shop and asked what was playing because I loved it so much. It was the Go! Team.
Last time this happened it was High On Fire.
Last time this happened it was High On Fire.
Back off man, I'm a scientist.
Band: The Go! Team
6According to the evil P-word website, the album is being remixed because some samples won't get clearance over here in the good ol' U.S. of A.
Band: The Go! Team
7i listened to it once and had no further desire to ever hear it again. not bad per se, but not my cup of tea.
of say.... 3?

Band: The Go! Team
9Champion Rabbit wrote:I want to hate them, but I cannot.
Well for starters try looking at them while their music is playing. Particularly the stage school graduate 'singer' who would be more at home as a club 18-30 holiday rep. This is if you actually do want to hate them. If not, then just stick to the rather enjoyable album and you should be fine.
You're a shit DM and i want my pizza money back.
Band: The Go! Team
10add some waffle to my vote. i got bored of them very quickly. would not bother seeing them if they came to my citay