
Total votes: 16 (35%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 30 (65%)
Total votes: 46

TV show: Heroes

Chromodynamic wrote:
kenoki wrote:so, sylar does EAT the brains, right?

That's what most people assume, I am not entirely convinced, although the absence of the brains does make a compelling argument. I'd like to think that he pokes around inside their brains and finds out how their ability works and then modifies himself. The idea of him eating and then absorbing abilities just doesn't seem to jive with the whole "tick-tock", mechanistic, way he appears to operate.

yeah it seems stupid, right? but remember bennet says "i think you've had enough to eat" or something to that affect the episode after eden kills herself... hopefully they have a better answer for this.

TV show: Heroes

someone needs to go ahead and kill off jessica immediately. there are just too many storylines, not enough story. granted, isaac is gone (and just when i was starting to like him) but still...

so is malcolm mcdowell the leader of bennet's former employer? at first i was thinking no, but then he enlisted the changling homeslice, so i guess yes. so is nathan and peter's mom "special" too? i guess so... i mean, she and hubby produced two children of that ilk, and claire was the product of two special people... is she affiliated with the "paper" company? in addition to hiro's dad... so are they sort of evil or what? or just lost a piece of their humanity while trying to "save the world?" so many questions... and the only way they can be answered in a timely manner, in my mind, is to off jessica. come on already! i mean, we've her son and husband, they are good enough, we don't really need her do we?

TV show: Heroes

Linderman speaks of his colleagues going their separate ways, I assume he is referring to the Petrelli's and Mr. Nakamura.

This weeks online comic was awesome, though I am a sucker for all things related to time travel. I've always puzzled over how/why Sylar's lifeline could be so critical and now there's a small revelation why.

TV show: Heroes

The Code is Almighty wrote:I'm hoping they do a flashback episode showing the original superteam they started talking about this week.

What's being kicked around is that the second season was going to be about the "previous generation" of Heroes, but that may get nixed somewhat because of how well everyone is responding to the cast they already have.

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