Back when I was about 12 or 13, my friends and I would hang out at my one friend Jim's house quite a bit. This was in a slightly lower-middle class neighborhood. Riding our bikes around, you know...pretty harmless stuff.
Anyway, there was this one house (every neighborhood had one) where they were seriously DIRT POOR. The house hadn't been painted in years. They had about 8 or 9 kids milling around...three or four of them under the age of 4 usually. No grass in the yard. A beat up assed 15 year old Valiant in parked haphazardly in the drive. Think Gummo but on a smaller scale.
So one day about five of us are playing football or something in front of Jim's house when the mom of this family comes screaming up in the beater Valiant...shouting unintelligible crap at us. "Did you guys do it?!?! I know it was you guys who did it!!!!" This one half-deliquent friend of mine, Mark, didn't know what she was talking about but just for fun said "Yeah, I did it!"
Dirt mom yells:
"WELL HERE'S YOUR FUCKING SOAP BACK YOU MOTHERFUCKERS @##!!*@!!!!" etc etc...and starts throwing bars of soap out of the car window at us.
Apparently, someone else in the hood had driven by their house and 'donated' quite a few bars of soap to their front yard.
Very weird and hilarious when you're 13 years old.
A few years later this family got the health board called on them and the home was raided. They were using an aquarium as a toilet, had rats and roaches all over the house, feces all over the kitchen. Pretty sad.
Your Weirdest Encounters
31geiginni wrote:How about commemorative clock celebrating glorious anniversary of dead heros of great patriotic NASCAR?