Bands that would have been-would be better w- no singing

can? insane.

maybe with mooney, but the music during the mooney years wasn't as interesting, it was a bit more straighforward and almost needed lyrics sung. would have helped if they made more sense.

suzuki's voice was just another instruemnt and a nice, fun one at that.

same goes for thom yorke, i like his voice as an instrument.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

Bands that would have been-would be better w- no singing

Andrew L. wrote:
Yow trivialized their music with his hokey clown act. He blustered his way through every song with the same meaningless schtick and as a consequence all their songs 'feel' vey similar.

It's not that he couldn't sing. 'All my favorite singers can't sing.' It's that every song sets the same mood because of him. And it's not a mood that runs very deep. It's superficial and already sounds dated. This band hasn't aged well for me because of the vocals.

I would listen to this band much more, and take much more from the music if it weren't for the groggy-voiced 'crazy guy' shrieking about nothing all the time.

Excellent post, which I agree with 100%. I did see TJL live too, by the way.

Yow always sounded as if he's nothing more than vaguely 'angry' with his own ineffectuality to be anything other than vaguely or ineffectually anything. If that sounds mean, i'm sorry. I'm sure all you Jesus Lizard fans are really big, tough pussyfucking guys who can more than take it. I invested a lot of time and money in this band, and the results were entirely joyless (albeit with incredible drums and bass playing).

Bands that would have been-would be better w- no singing


This is truely the most stoopid thread EVER.

So in all of these bands, wether you hate them or not, the singer IS the sound of that band....

If I wanted to hear Rush without vocals I'd put on a Zombi record... if you wanna hear Metallica without vocal put on the first Don Cab record.

I hate Thom York's vocals too... therefore I wouldn't waste my time trying to imaging the band without the vocals.... I guess I just don't like Radiohead.

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