New EA sendspace thread

Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution - A Call To Arms EP


This is the first release from The Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution, one of the bands under the umbrella of the New Jersey music/arts collective known as "The RISC Group" (which also includes Catch-22 and Streetlight Manifesto). If you can imagine what a "Streetlight Manifesto unplugged" session would sound like with the addition of a string section (consisting of cello, viola and violin) and some more Spanish and Eastern European influences, you got the general idea.

If you're a fan of Catch-22 and Streetlight Manifesto, you're going to love this.

A new full-length BOTAR LP is in the works, and they're actively recruiting musicians on their website. If any of you live on the West coast and are interested in auditioning for BOTAR, check out their webpage at

New EA sendspace thread

Mongrel were a haphazard, DIY, almost throwaway one-off effort by a group of guys in Toronto. Their one and only live performance was in one member's living room.

But this self-titled release is pretty damn good stuff. Mid-tempo, heavily downtuned stoner vibe that's bleakly spooky with a stripped-down spareness.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

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