New EA sendspace thread

If we are talking requests...I'll be damned if I can find any sanely affordable VonLMO, and I think I might be way into him...nay, I know it from the few snippets I've managed to nab.

And yes, any Bastro is something I want to hear. I have that last one on the original LP, but I looked for that early drum machine stuff for ages.

More Mort Garson coming, and a few other things as well. In a few days. I work 'til I eat and sleep (barely) this weekend...

New EA sendspace thread

Brandi wrote:Thank you Nina for the High Rise a while back! that's how I found this great forum.

You are indeed welcome for the High Rise. If you liked that, make sure you get the LRD box as well. It is still d/loadable.

And welcome to this great forum. It is the "Premier Rock Forum."

(That is so lame, who came up with that? Was it in the "let us hear you" thread? I can't remember...)
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced. T. Mckenna

New EA sendspace thread

burun wrote:I have some Von LMO, will post it tomorrow after work.

One of my favorite shows ever was seeing him at the Cooler. His backing band was comprised of men that looked like cholos.

This qualifies you as 'Goddess'. I have been looking for his LP's off and on for a good decade and a half...

New EA sendspace thread


A bit different than my usual posts, but try it, you may like it.

I have been re-reading some of my posts from this last week and have come to the conclusion that I should apologize for coming across as quite a bitch. Under normal circumstances, I try to be a decent human, but the past week has been shit. Sorry if I have been snippy with you, it's nothing personal. :wink:
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced. T. Mckenna

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