First Primary Debates

Goddamnit, what's all this Kucinich hating about? He's the only Democratic candidate around that is willing to go beyond particular issues and really try and change our country, and the only true opponent of imperialism running. If the public is too fucking afraid of that, then that's their fucking problem, not his for wanting a point of view we don't get very often heard.

First Primary Debates

legpuppy wrote:Goddamnit, what's all this Kucinich hating about?

You have to fight against the Kucinich hating and the Gravel hating. The fake liberal public relations arm of the Corporate Party, the 'left leaning media' :?
will fight you tenaciously for every inch of serious consideration you might give to Kucinich or Gravel or Ron Paul. The drumbeat of snickering over their 'marginal and quixotic candidacies' will never subside in the fake liberal media. They *stole* a better candidate away from you in Howard Dean when the marching orders went out to abuse him for his scream. The Right didn't kill Dean, the 'Left' did. They stole Nader from you, too.

Make an oath to yourself to never ever type or speak the words "Kucinich can't win" again. Don't help them. Act like you don't read the polls. The polls are what they use to manipulate you. Just talk about Kucinich and Gravel like they are as viable as Clinton or Obama. Ignore Clinton or Obama, they way they want you to ignore Kucinich and Gravel.

And then watch everyone around you fall in line with the program and then see either Clinton or Obama get nominated.

First Primary Debates

drew patrick wrote:Clocker Bob, could you straight-dope me on hedge funds?

I don't exactly know if this is the best place to start your dope on hedge funds, but this 30 min video hosted at does a good job of explaining short selling, which is important to understanding how hedge funds make a lot of money. There is some discussion of hedge funds in this forum thread:

and in these threads: ... ate+equity ... ate+equity

There is probably 9/11 talk scattered through all of them, because I throw that shit everywhere. Sorry.

I saw where both Hillary and Edwards took no real position on hedge funds in the debate. I didn't see if any other candidate was asked questions about them. At least there were questions asked. That's a big step forward right there.

First Primary Debates

clocker bob wrote:
drew patrick wrote:Clocker Bob, could you straight-dope me on hedge funds?

I don't exactly know if this is the best place to start your dope on hedge funds, but this 30 min video hosted at does a good job of explaining short selling, which is important to understanding how hedge funds make a lot of money. There is some discussion of hedge funds in this forum thread:

and in these threads: ... ate+equity ... ate+equity

There is probably 9/11 talk scattered through all of them, because I throw that shit everywhere. Sorry.

I saw where both Hillary and Edwards took no real position on hedge funds in the debate. I didn't see if any other candidate was asked questions about them. At least there were questions asked. That's a big step forward right there.

Yeah, I was surprised that the topic of hedge funds was getting so much play at the debate, considering the universe of questions about the Iraq mess that weren't asked or addressed by the candidates.

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