
Total votes: 16 (35%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 30 (65%)
Total votes: 46

TV show: Heroes

I have no idea but it was simply amazing, the best yet. The "official/unofficial" forum is being flooded with people who can't wrap their brain around the changes in the space-time continuum. Here's my two cents: Isaac let himself to die, he could've easily seen his future and avoided Sylar, but why did he decide to wait around and get his brain removed? Isaac allowed himself to die because it was the only way he could perceive/paint a future where Sylar is using his own precognitive powers to advance his demented agenda, and thus take steps to ensure he doesn't succeed.

Also, I wonder what in the world is Molly Walker's power? Possibly the ability to not just suppress powers (like the Haitian) but to eliminate them completely (hello, fulcrum of X-men 3)?

TV show: Heroes

Also, I wonder what in the world is Molly Walker's power? Possibly the ability to not just suppress powers (like the Haitian) but to eliminate them completely (hello, fulcrum of X-men 3)?

I was wondering this myself, but I don't think that can be her power because 1)Wouldn't she have taken Matt's power when he found her, and 2)Wouldn't she have taken Sylar's power when he killed her parents?

Tonight's episode was crazy good, but it's definitely one I'm going to need to watch a few times to fully wrap my mind around!
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."
-Winston Churchill

TV show: Heroes

Chromodynamic wrote:I have no idea but it was simply amazing, the best yet....

agreed... completely intense. we were just sitting here like... wha? WHA? peter was really great fitted out all dark. the revelation about ando (and hiro) just about made me shed a tear it was so sweet and sad. like dr awkward said, i just can't believe this show actually GETS BETTER. lots of stunners. jeez, and matt?.... what the hell....

Here's my two cents: Isaac ... allowed himself to die because it was the only way he could perceive/paint a future where Sylar is using his own precognitive powers to advance his demented agenda, and thus take steps to ensure he doesn't succeed.

yeah, agreed. he sort of implies that in last week's episode, but you spelling it out makes it more clear to me.

can't wait until next week! again confirmed, best show on television!!

TV show: Heroes

Tommy Alpha wrote:Just saw 19... So Linderman's plan is identical to Ozymandias’. For fucks sake, this show owes Alan Moore a lot of cheques he won’t cash.

To be fair, Moore wasn't exactly breaking new ground with that scheme. The overall idea of doing something terrible to serve a greater good is ages old.

TV show: Heroes

Chromodynamic wrote:
Tommy Alpha wrote:Just saw 19... So Linderman's plan is identical to Ozymandias’. For fucks sake, this show owes Alan Moore a lot of cheques he won’t cash.

To be fair, Moore wasn't exactly breaking new ground with that scheme. The overall idea of doing something terrible to serve a greater good is ages old.

But in the context of a 'realistic' super hero team? and in new york? are you kidding me?

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