White Castle food makes me:

Total votes: 27 (64%)
Not happy
Total votes: 15 (36%)
Total votes: 42

food selling establishment: White Castle

A few years ago my girl and I were in Cleveland, OH to see GBV....as the evening/night wore on we eventually consumed an entire liter of Crown Royal between the two of us (OK...mostly me)...anyhow, we ended up at the drive-thru of a Shit Castle ordering burgers for some ungodly reason. We ate this "food" and then went to bed.

All I can say is "FUUUUCCKK YOOOOUU WHITE CASTLE!" for the gastrointestinal sadism that you inflicted upon my nervous body the very next day. There is no reason for these places to be open so late....those bastards know exactly what they are doing.

Of course I assume absolutely no personal responsibility of my own for deciding to drink so much booze and devour so many of those weird little burgers....it is all their fault. All of it.

food selling establishment: White Castle

JC23by5 wrote:A few years ago my girl and I were in Cleveland, OH to see GBV....as the evening/night wore on we eventually consumed an entire liter of Crown Royal between the two of us (OK...mostly me)...anyhow, we ended up at the drive-thru of a Shit Castle ordering burgers for some ungodly reason. We ate this "food" and then went to bed.

All I can say is "FUUUUCCKK YOOOOUU WHITE CASTLE!" for the gastrointestinal sadism that you inflicted upon my nervous body the very next day. There is no reason for these places to be open so late....those bastards know exactly what they are doing.

Of course I assume absolutely no personal responsibility of my own for deciding to drink so much booze and devour so many of those weird little burgers....it is all their fault. All of it.

Of course, they forced a funnel down your throat and force-fed you their burgers, so how could you assume any personal responsibility?

food selling establishment: White Castle

I kind of enjoy how White Castle acknowledges their own crappiness.

During a trip to White Castle one day, I came up with a couple of new slogans for them:

"Increase Your Stink Power with Steam Burgers!"


"White Castle: Food of Last Resort"

Seriously though- I have a stomach of iron and White Castle is the only thing that makes me sick for extended periods after I eat it. It seems that it's also a widely-accepted notion that White Castle farts are the most noxious of all (I liken them to the smell of your piss after asparagus mixed with decaying flesh and onions).

Good luck

food selling establishment: White Castle

White Castle once saved my life. Granted, some people were getting robbed at the same time, but I was really fucked up and needed some life-saving grease. I sat there, eating everything on the menu with some friends, these guys pulled in and robbed some people (totally ignored us). We just sat there, drunk and high, watching this go down, watching people run after the robbers. A high-speed car chase quickly ensued, but I was stuck on my mini corndogs at the moment.

My life-force was spared and I lived another day.


food selling establishment: White Castle

Me and the brother had our first White Castle experience just over a week ago while visiting the Chicago. Pretty much everyone we came in to contact with in the build up to this hallowed event grimaced when i asked about WC, or if there was one nearby. Everyone except one sadistic individual called Ben.

*interupting a friendly soul during their anti-recommendation:
"Do it. Do it. Seriously. You HAVE to go. Go. Do it. Don't listen to him. Go. It's not far. Do it. Go now. He's wrong. Do it. Get a dozen. Go. Go now."

Such passion and terror in his eyes and voice. I had to obey.

I also went for a Kuma's about 2 hours after it. (Mastodon - medium, incase you were wondering). Both ends of the scale, and both in their own way, very Not Crap.

I love Chicago so much.
You're a shit DM and i want my pizza money back.

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