New EA sendspace thread

Would someone be kind enough to PM me with an upload of Extra Golden's "OK-Oyot System." I have been listening to the LP like a freak lately and I would love to listen to it here at work.

I will be most appreciative!
Marsupialized wrote:I bet I hand you a gold bar that sucks dick on command and you'll be bitching that it dosent have the right kind of moustache.

New EA sendspace thread

2 Albums by HORSE The Band

Insane, raging spazzcore sprinkled with keyboard sounds derived from 8-bit videogame samples. Prolly the best of the so-called "metalcore" bands, IMO.

The perfect prescription to really piss of your neighbors.

HORSE The Band - R. Borlax


HORSE The Band - The Mechanical Hand

Image ... 4nical.rar

Oh BTW the archive is password-protected. The password is vodka
Last edited by Colonel Panic_Archive on Fri May 04, 2007 9:48 am, edited 2 times in total.

New EA sendspace thread


Robert Johnson & The Browns - Company No Company
1. Jealous of the Dead
2. I'm Gonna Say Blood a Lot
3. Going South the Other Way
4. Iron Bus
5. No I Invented Vanity
6. I's For Eyes


Robert Johnson & The Browns - [self-titled]
1. Employee Of The Month
2. ...Running At The Night
3. Secret Suburb
4. The Littlest Wheelie
5. Numbers 1 & 2
6. Go Sports!!


Robert Johnson & The Browns - Banging The Door 7"
1. Banging The Door
2. Numbers 1 & 2 (live)

From a review:
Robert Johnson and Todd Rittman are two guys. They are also this band. They play together as two one-man bands attacking each other. Rittman is a member of U.S. Maple and The Mercury Players. Johnson (not related to THE Robert Johnson, if you get my drift) plays with Hundred Pieces and Slowworm. Is any of this making sense now?

Basically, Rittman bangs out a semi-coherent beat and plays bass and guitar while Johnson plays bass and guitar and assorted percussion elements. The music is at least as weird as the stuff these guys play with their regular acts (and if you recognize any of the names, you know how fun that stuff can get), and probably much more out there.

Introspective, really, as Rittman and Johnson don't really try to shred or anything. This is all about cool noises and odd musical notions. A guy named Jim O'Rourke had a hand in this somewhere. Are you getting the picture now?

If not, go home. Stay away and don't even bother with this. While not the posterchild for esoteric musical greatness, Robert Johnson and the Browns (such as it is) cranks out some nifty tuneage. Strange, but definitely nifty.

New EA sendspace thread

Wire - Behind The Curtain ( Early Versions 1977 & 78 )


1 Mary Is A Dyke (1:08 )
2 Too True (1:05)
3 Just Don't Care (1:22)
4 TV (1:26)
5 New York City (1:12)
6 After Midnight (1:30)
7 Pink Flag (2:35)
8 Love Ain't Polite (1:05)
9 Oh No Not So (1:37)
10 It's The Motive (1:24)
11 Practice Makes Perfect (3:49)
12 Sand In My Joints (1:51)
13 Stablemate (2:17)
14 I Feel Mysterious Today (1:41)
15 Underwater Experiences (3:15)
16 Dot Dash (2:20)
17 Options R (1:51)
18 From The Nursery (2:53)
19 Finistaire (2:17)
20 No Romans (1:12)
21 Another The Letter (1:07)
22 40 Versions (3:19)
23 Blessed State (3:14)
24 A Touching Display (5:19)
25 Once Is Enough (2:39)
26 Stepping Off Too Quick (1:24)
27 Indirect Inquiries (3:20)
28 Map Ref 41° N 93° W (3:50)
29 A Question Of Degree (2:58 )
30 Two People In A Room (2:04)
31 Former Airline (1:12)

New EA sendspace thread

Butthole Surfers - Double Live


Good album. It has an interesting version of "John E. Smoke" and a decent cover of R.E.M.'s "The One I Love." Been out of print for a few years now.

Cherubs - Heroin Man


It's the Cherubs. The awesome noise band from Texas, not the shitty pop band from the UK.

Man Man - Six Demon Bag


Another great band from Philly. These guys are fucking awesome. Six Demon Bag is easily one of the best albums of 2006, maybe even the best. No shit. I saw them at the Abbey Pub a few weeks ago. They rock unbelievably hard for such an artsy band. ... g.rar.html

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