First Primary Debates

clocker bob wrote:Mike Gravel's post debate interview with Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann is on youtube:

It's good. Gravel rips the media and the other candidates.

Matthews tries to attack Gravel by asking him, "Where have you been since 1972?"

Listen to Matthews horse laugh all over Gravel's answers.

OK, disclosure: I enjoy The Chris Matthews Show quite a bit, very informative, "juicy, inside, D.C. gossip. Hardball is very "loud" but on occasion it is tolerable. I've read the book by the same name and really enjoyed that. But I know he's a worm of a man. And this clip shows a shameful 'trapping' of a guest.

Gravel, naturally is only displaying his 'integrity'; "Obama and Clinton cozy up to the Media while have the ganas to fight them!" But Matthews, knowing this is coming, feigns a thin-skin over the "you in the media" jab and consequently reacts all melodramatically over it, justified by a sense of self-defense. Gravel should've seen this coming, unless he actually wants to look like a fool. But my guess is he's too cranky to train himself politically.

First Primary Debates

I plan on watching it.

I didn't get to watch the live Democratic primary debate (instead I watched my beloved Orlando Magic go down 0-3 to Detroit...) but I got to see some of the replay.

I'm hoping this one will be a bit more detailed, though I doubt it since there's even more candidates.
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."
-Winston Churchill

First Primary Debates

JDanger wrote:
Who's psyched?

No cable at home, so I'll have to make an effort to watch it, and will probably just get caught up on-line instead.

I think it's funny that, thanks to the controlled media, 10 term congressman Ron Paul is probably a complete unknown to many who may watch this debate. I hope Paul gets one question that lets him take a shot at the Federal Reserve.

First Primary Debates

American Research Group has Edwards ahead still in Iowa. That is huge.

Edwards 27%, Clinton 23%, Obama 19%
McCain 26%, Giuliani 19%, Romney 14%, F. Thompson 13%

2nd in NH:
Clinton 37%, Edwards 26%, Obama 14%
McCain 29%, Romney 24%, Giuliani 17%

unarmedman wrote:I agree - I tend to think that the top candidates on both sides could implode before the actual votes are cast. Starting out this early is ridiculous.

Gary Hart had something like 2% mid '83, went on to win New Hampshire.

First Primary Debates

JDanger wrote:American Research Group has Edwards ahead still in Iowa. That is huge.

Edwards 27%, Clinton 23%, Obama 19%
McCain 26%, Giuliani 19%, Romney 14%, F. Thompson 13%

2nd in NH:
Clinton 37%, Edwards 26%, Obama 14%
McCain 29%, Romney 24%, Giuliani 17%

unarmedman wrote:I agree - I tend to think that the top candidates on both sides could implode before the actual votes are cast. Starting out this early is ridiculous.

Gary Hart had something like 2% mid '83, went on to win New Hampshire.

Edwards has a good chance to win the Democratic Party nomination, due to his inexplicable popularity in places like Iowa (believe me, everyone in or from Iowa loves Edwards). Hillary Clinton is a woman, and Barack Obama is a black man. There are a lot of people who won't vote for either, even in the warm-and-fuzzy Democratic Party. Otherwise stated, there are lots of Democrats in places like Iowa and ummmmm New Hampshire and ummmmm South Carolina. No offense, Iowa . . . you are warm and fuzzy in your own weird and fucked up way.

I can't see how any of the top three Republicans are going to carry the nomination, except for maybe McCain. I know the money, establishment, and many Bush supporters/strategists are behind Romney, but I don't see how Romney is possible. Giuliani is going to be the Howard Dean of 2008 -- he'll be gone in a minute all of a sudden.

I am excited to see Ron Paul tomorrow night.

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