If you have a Sendspace account, make sure to alert the board immediately if one of your uploads has been downloaded an unusual number of times over a short period.
"Unusual" probably constitutes about 100 downloads or more overnight...but use your best judgment. Report anything you find to be suspicious, and we'll put you in your place if you're a being a paranoid freak. Pay attention to your accounts.
It's a neighborhood watch, people!

As an experiment, (and a thank you to the most common frequenters of this thread) I will upload something in just a little while. It'll be my first upload here...but I've been goin' to lots of shows...lots of touring bands that get paid jack shit...
I might not be able to upload all the files into one zip file. If you don't download it, it's your loss because you're not going to be able to find this music virtually anywhere.
It will often be new music. And just when you thought we were totally screwed...